Essential Oils


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Anyone had any luck using essential oils? A couple of posters, collegechemstudent and goingoinnotgone have recommended them...was wondering if anyone else liked the results


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I've been using essential oils in an emu oil base, off and on, since April. Haven't really been too consistent though. Also use tea tree oil separatley a few times per week.

I can say that they've helped the condition of my hair - but not claiming any regrowth.

Then again - I haven't been using very long and like I said - not very consistently. The improvement in my general hair quality though - was almost immediate.


I've been using essential oils from the Swedish study for about 8 months. I bought all of the individual ingredients myself from herbaladvantage. I used this exclusively along with internal SP and it did reduce my sheds quite a bit but I had no sign of regrowth so I decided to add minoxidil.

I probably have a 2 year supply at least of the essential oil mix just from what I bought initially but I'm tweaking the formula a bit myself now. Instead of pure grapeseed oil I'm mixing about half of that with Olive Oil due to its high Beta Sitosterol content, and I'm also increasing the Jojoba oil end of that ratio. I've also been adding about 500mg of Saw Palmetto extract in there as well.

I only put it on at night at least 30 minutes after putting on the Spectral.DNC and the foam.


I use the ratios mentioned in the swedish study. I just edited to use half jojoba and half grapeseed oil. Then take the grapeseed oil mix and cut to half of grapeseed oil and half olive oil and then just squeeze about 6 saw palmetto extract capsules into the mixture. I used to be all scientific and basically titrate the mix but at this point, being on Spectral/Foam, I'm just eyeballing it :) Except for the drops of oils of course.


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I recently switched from emu oil to jojoba oil for my essential oils' carrier base.


And MUCH less greasy.


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Hair tomorrow, you may try to cut the emu oil with 2/3 jojoba. you will get the best of both.


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H/B said:
Hair tomorrow, you may try to cut the emu oil with 2/3 jojoba. you will get the best of both.

Next Batch :D


hair_tomorrow said:
I recently switched from emu oil to jojoba oil for my essential oils' carrier base.


And MUCH less greasy.

Do you mean you were using EMU previously and switched TO jojoba or the other way around? I'm guessing the other way around as I heard EMU is supposed to be less greasy.

Are you using 100% of one type of carrier oil than since the majority of the carrier, based on the swedish study, was the grapeseed oil. I think whenever I can get my hands on some EMU oil I will cut that into the mix as well though I'm not sure how I will ration it in the formula.


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I was using emu as my carrier base (24 ml to which I added the essential oils) and recently switched to all jojoba oil (no grapeseed oil at all).

The jojoba is definitly less greasy than the emu - but maybe it was the brand of emu I was using.

I got my recipe from a guy over at regrowth, ala . . .

Author Mark X from

My concoction is called Emussential Oil Treatment. The recipe calls for 23ml of emu mixed with 2 drops of Thyme (note that it should be Thymus Vulgaris), and 3 drops of Rosemary (should be Rosemarinus Officinalis), and 2 drops Cedarwood (Cedrus Atlantica) and 3 drops Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia). These are the precise essential oils used in the study (link below). There are many different types of species of these plants and I am not sure that they all are the same. So I recommend the precise species noted above.

The amount of drops of essential oil used is based on the same amount applied to the carrier oils in the study (carrier oils used in the actual study were 20ml of grapeseed and 3ml of jojoba.)

If you go to and search for each of these oils, you will find them. The only exception is the lavender. Vitamin USA only has lavandula officinalis, and not angustifolia. However, they had the right varieties of the other three. So, since I had the other three, I opted for the lavandula officinalis instead of paying shipping charges somewhere else for just the Lavender.

The price is reasonable. I paid $37 plus shipping for all of these. It is a one ounce supply of each. I usually use close to about 1ml of emu a night since I apply it all over the top of my head. So with three drops of essential oil per 20ml of emu, I will use about 3 drops every 20 days.
There are about 1000-1300 drops in an ounce bottle, depending on viscosity. So each 20 day refill uses three drops. Therefore 1,000/3 = 333 refills. Each refill lasts me 20 days. So I have (333x20) 6,600 days of usage. That translates into about 18.3 years of usage. Better put, it will cost ½ of 1 penny per day to use the oils. There can’t be a cheaper hair loss remedy than that.


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I was using the oils as per the study for about 6 weeks. I know it's not that long at all, but it didn't help with any hairloss. It did however, as hair_tomorrow mentioned, make my hair very nice the next day even after shampooing.

Keep in mind that in that study the people didn't actually have male pattern baldness. I'm not sure what it was, but it was a different kind of hairloss.


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I was ordering some vitamins today from and broke down and ordered some grape seed oil. For the first time I'll actually be able to use the exact formula as in the original study.

Been out of emu oil for about 1 month now. Have to re-order that stuff some day and get that back into the rotation.


Any clue what the grapeseed oil could possibly do for our hair? It's not really that healthy to consume as it's mainly Omega 6 oils rather than Omega 3's like Olive Oil is.

Grocery stores sell Grapeseed oil rather cheaply so it doesn't have to be specially purchased.

I'm deviating from the original study now but adding in more Jojoba, and some Olive oil, and less grapeseed. When I get some EMU I'm going to to make up to seperate formulas.

1.) Nighttime formula = Mixture of Jojoba, Emu, maybe Olive & grapeseed with the essentials

2.) Morning formula = Pure EMU with the essentials

EMU oil is supposed to be used at least twice a day to have it regrow hair, and supposedly it should be fully absorbed within 20 minutes so I will wakeup, apply the EMU essentials, eat breakfast, shower and that should be 20 minutes.