Estrogen Dosage Question (in Combination With Oral spironolactone)


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Hi everyone,

Dutas alone wasn't effective enough. I added spironolactone (oral), it wasn't effective enough either without adding estrogen. Together it has the best results. I tried to find reports of people who take it too and found only one so far.
Considering to increase estradiol dosage to 2mg, I wanted to consult others who use the combination of oral spironolactone+estrogen, would increasing the dosage change anything?

my current regiment is:
100mg Spironolactone
1mg Estradiol Valerate (Estrogen)
1mg Dutas

The report I referred to is:


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Hi everyone,

Considering to increase estradiol dosage to 2mg, I wanted to consult others who use the combination of oral spironolactone+estrogen, would increasing the dosage change anything?

The report I referred to is:

Google this: "hair loss mtf" or "hair loss"
Or better try to ask your questions directly here

I have seen dozens cases of hair regrowth on estradiol even without AA's or in combination with relatively weak antiandrogen like 50-100 mg spironolactone. High enough dosages of estradiol (2-4 mg daily) with spironolactone in most cases should effectively reduce testosterone level to female ranges, so regrowth is possible. Keep in mind that brest development in long run is inevitable even on 1 mg estradiol.


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Yuvarj, DHTpolice thanks so much. I know - breast are a low price, can be disguised.
yourworld001 - I'm not a transgender, and except breasts that I can disguise nothing else changed in my appearance, however, I don't care looking less 'manly' for this cause.

* I read in the post ( that the writer takes/took 200mg. I tried this first and it made me too tired, maybe worth trying it again now.
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Yuvraj, i read raloxifene has negative effect, rather use tamoxifen in very low dose, 20mg. However, i'm concerned now with hair growth, so currently not going to add anything else that doesn't contribute to this cause.
Because drugs have different effect on different people (in my case, i couldn't take more than 100mg spironolactone, was too strong for me - could hardly stay awake and had no strength to do basic functions), Raloxifene might cause me negative effect.

spironolactone works by attaching itself to estrogen and lose effect if your body doesn't have enough estrogen in it. estradiol increases the level or effect of spironolactone. I tried without it, no good. That's why some people must take this combination. some take only spironolactone and give it up without knowing they just need more estrogen.


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spironolactone works by attaching itself to estrogen and lose effect if your body doesn't have enough estrogen in it. estradiol increases the level or effect of spironolactone. I tried without it, no good. That's why some people must take this combination. some take only spironolactone and give it up without knowing they just need more estrogen
What??! I've never heard of this before. if this is true then I'm surprised so many transgenders use it

Yuvraj Bhatia

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Yeah well. I was surprised too but there are trans woman( who cannot transition because of social problems) so they just do a low dose hrt to get emotional effects of it and some block estrogen at the breast to avoid any breast from forming.


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Yuvraj, i have a little, bandaging it. it's still a testing time, when time comes i'll try adding tamoxifen and i'm going to consult about surgery.

Yuvraj Bhatia

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How does your skin feels? did you have acne? if yes how is it now? Also, did you loose muscles from biceps and other body parts? Estrogen is supposed to make your face more rounder and cheeks fuller so you may notice that the jawline looks less defined.


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Skin got perfect (used to have seborrehic skin), i never succeeded in gaining muscles, and i guess they haven't changed. I have beard so i don't know how's my jawline exactly but it seems quite normal, only at mornings i tend to get dark circles around the eyes, i think it's because there's effect on my sleep and i sometimes take Ambien (zolpidem tartrate).

Yuvraj Bhatia

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Woah! thanks man! Why are you not using tamoxifene since you already got gyno? why cover it with bandage?


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because i don't want it to interfere somehow with the hair regrowth. when i get the best results i can i'll try it very carefully. first healing then more trials.


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Hi everyone,

Dutas alone wasn't effective enough. I added spironolactone (oral), it wasn't effective enough either without adding estrogen. Together it has the best results.
How much time had passed after adding 1 mg of estradiol before you noticed regrowth? And where you was on Norwood scale before HRT?


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DHTpolice, i don't know to tell, only a week has passed since i returned the estradiol. I think it started to effect, hair shading stopped.


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