Estrogen- Good Or Bad ?------------------


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I 've read some articles that say dht is not the real hair killer it's estrogen but I look in the success stories forum and see quite a few people using estrogen an growing hair like mad. So which is it good or bad ? I'm a little confused


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You've answered your own question.

On one hand you have people like Danny Roddy who claim estrogen is bad for hair while their theories never regrew a single hair on anyone's head...

On the other hand you have people in this forum taking super aggressive regimens with estrogen in them and getting major regrowth...

I think it's pretty clear.


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It's interesting, because everywhere else on the body it's testosterone that grows hair.


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Guess I'm headed that way, I've been on finasteride for 16 years, never got any sides or regrowth even up to 5 mg. a day and barely maintained. I've used RU up to 10% and never got sides or help from it . So I'm going to try a different angle with estro


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Some of us are actually interested in decreasing our manhood, and increasing our womanhood.
We are transgender and the increase in DHT that comes with age is poison to our brains, which have biological structures and hormone neuroreceptors like genetic female brains than genetic male brains. Hormone replacement therapy not only treats our brain chemistry problems, but as a bonus often regrows our hair which gives a very positive boost to our self esteem.