Eucapil (Fluridil) busted ?


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Many of you know that I wrote extensively on my good experience with Eucapil/Fluridil.

I was always puzzled however with how me and several other people here notice its direct, fast acting effect on decreasing sheeding.
Several have reported that. This is unlike any other drug, particularly anti-androgen. For me neither RU nor any other antiandrogen have worked for me.

so i had doubts it is the alcohol in Fluridil that is doing that (maybe getting rid of inflammation/fungus..)

to try I have been applying pure alcohol on my head....decreases shedding by about as much as eucapil, consistently for a week...

I DON t WANT to CLAIM that EUCAPIL is USELESS, I Am JUST reporting a FACT.
Can we be saving thousand dollar a year ( the few of us who are having eucapil users ?).


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I have been on nizoral, fluridil, and rogaine for a year. I shed a lot but it seems like my hair loss has plateaued. It doesn't seem to be getting any better or worse. I am a NW1 or 2 with diffused thinning through the top of my head.

After 11 months on these products I feel like they have definitely helped battle the hairloss and slow it down. However my hair is no where where I would like it to be.

I use nizoral twice a week, rogaine and fluridil once a day. Fluridil at night rogaine in the morning.... No side affects at all from any of these products. Except brain fog with rogaine when I first started.

I would really like to try RU. However I have no idea how people buy that stuff or mix it to use it properly.

Just my experience.
