I'm only 1 month on eucapil, so I can't judge yet.
I chose eucapil for 3 reasons:
1. The manufacturer claims that there are no sides, since it loses its antiandrogenic properties if absorbed into the blood. Sides had been my main problem with topical spironolactone (see my story - link in my signature). also, eucapil had been tested on people, Ru hadn't.
2. From reading a lot of posts, I understand that Ru has stability problem (When it's active it suppose to be super effective - but since you don't have a lab in your home you can't be sure if it's still active).
3. Ru is very expensive (Eucapil also isn't cheap...), and I understand that you have to buy it with bank transfer - much harder to cancel if something goes wrong (with credit card companies and paypal you can still try to argue...)
But if someone wants antiandrogen, I advise to first try topical spironolactone - pretty cheap (15$ per month), and most people say it's working. I guess my sides from it are very very rare.
what's your experience with Ru? is it working for you? with finasteride,applepoly and Ru, it looks like you have very strong regimen.