Agreed. He went from a 45 year old to a 19 year old.
Ahh... thanks for the heads up. I actually just watched it quickly, with the sound off.Gotta love how when he is talking about the problems with baldness, the woman there is laughing her *** off.
More proof that baldness is a big joke to those not dealing with it.
Karl on the old XFM used to say it didn't bother him that he was bald but here he sings a different tune and says how after he got the hair system it changed his views, it's at 20 minutes:
Who is this @FredTheDutchman dude?
True, but people do not like to see men showing weakness.God, that's crushing to see. I honestly believe there isn't a man alive who isn't psychologically affected by hair loss on some level. My dad went bald in his late 20's (he's in his 50's now) and still claims it never bothered him. He tenses up visibly though whenever anyone makes a baldness joke and rarely leaves the house without a hat on. In a way his denial frustrates me. If more men were just honest about how devastating hair loss is, maybe society, pharmaceutical companies etc. would start taking it more seriously. All these men suffering in silence are in the long run just shooting themselves in the feet. I can't blame them though, women and full heads are brutal enough to bald guys as is it. Letting them know it bothers you would probably just encourage them.
Seeing that woman's reaction made me pretty f*****g angry to be honest. No way am I ever having children. Even if I knew they'd have a never-thinning mane like Reagan, I still wouldn't bring them into a world with people like her in it.
You can see that genuine smile when he gets his hair back....