Ever Wondered Why Shrek Is Bald And Ugly?


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And that his wife turns fat and ugly when they get married?
This cartoon blatantly states that bald/ugly men will never have right to be with beautiful women.

Also, did you know that in movies, a bald guy almost always gets killed and in some cases in the most brutal way possible (e.g Ralph Cifareto in The Sopranos)?

A bald guy is almost always a villain or worse a grunt sent by the bad guy. (Every action flick ever, ofc excluding Statham, Rock and Vin GasFuelDiesel bullshit)

There are a lot of bald jokes in the media like this one at the beginning of the trailer:

I'll tell you one thing, as long as the media exists it will not make our lives easier.



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It's been a while since we had an InfoWars style conspiracy thread.

Except there is no conspiracy, baldness is ugly, that's why they make ugly people bald, and that's why we hate being bald, and therefore ugly, and that's why we're here in the first place writing and reading about it.

Simple as that.


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The media is mostly just a reflection of peoples opinions/views. With or without it people will view bald guys in this way. No one is rejecting you because they learnt from shrek that bald guys can only get ugly girls.

Going bald is almost entirely about how it affects your attractiveness. My cousin is 6'4 and has movie star looks, he was slick NW6 since 20, he recently married a younger, genuine 9/10.

This is obviously rare, but it proves to me that baldness is almost entirely about how it affects your looks. A 3/10 full head will have similar prospects/discrimination to a bald guy who is 3/10 when bald.

Ugliness is vilified, mocked, disliked with very little push back. Being called ugly is worse than any other thing you could be called, but unlike "********" or "c***' or whatever, it's unlikely anyone will have your back.

Ever hear people talk about discrimination in the workplace regarding race, gender, nationality, age? Yes.

Ever hear people talk about discrimination in the workplace regarding ugliness? Probably not, yet I'd bet there's nothing more universally discriminated against.

It's kind of like the elephant in the room. Everyone knows ugliness is discriminated against, everyone knows ugly people have it harder in almost all aspects of life, but no one talks about it. Instead we talk about why there are fewer women in politics, or more blacks in prison.


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This cartoon blatantly states that bald/ugly men will never have right to be with beautiful women.

Just reflects facts.
Like smoothsailing said, baldness is all about how it affects looks.
And if your looks change, you change.

Nowhere have I found this stated better than in Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis. The example used by Kafka is extreme. He even shows people trying to help the dude who becomes hideous.... but facts are facts, He changes because of his looks, just like so many of us


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India is so harsh to bald people.Here,girls don't even waste a micro second laughing on bald men even on video.There is no Indian bald hero.
Still this weekend(2nd part) and one year back in a movie,it changed with one guy who is slick bald still had so charismatic,historic character that i never heard a single word on his baldness.This is because of his portrayal as brave,kind and serious character and not a clown as tv serials make fun off.
Bald shaming is instilled by all those bald men who earn money by insulting baldness.Shame on such people.


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India is so harsh to bald people.Here,girls don't even waste a micro second laughing on bald men even on video.There is no Indian bald hero.
Still this weekend(2nd part) and one year back in a movie,it changed with one guy who is slick bald still had so charismatic,historic character that i never heard a single word on his baldness.This is because of his portrayal as brave,kind and serious character and not a clown as tv serials make fun off.
Bald shaming is instilled by all those bald men who earn money by insulting baldness.Shame on such people.

Does this affect arranged marriage between families? If I were a father, I would never EVER let my daughter marry a baldcel. I have more than enough of sh*t hair genes. I would evaluate his fathers and mothers genetics too.


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It does affect how you look, and yes if you're bald and beautiful no one will care about the missing hair,
but if there's something that I've noticed is that many people that actually look like sh*t without hair,
somehow look very handsome with hair, and I'm one of them.

When I was about 15 and got taller etc - my whole look changed with it, and everyone told me I was beautiful, and I was shocked because I was never a "beautiful" kid, but since I becamse 15 everything changed and I guess it's in the genes because both my parents were really good looking, so it makes sense.
And then I started losing hair at 18, my hair started thinning and suddenly I wasn't "beautiful" anymore and girls didn't give me that "f*** me" look that I got so used to. I didn't recognize myself in the mirror.
Then I started treating it and 8 years later I still have good hair, not even close to what it was, but something I can live with.

Now, look at someone like Robert Plant, do you consider him beautiful? (in his 20's-30's)
Because many people do.
But if you look at his face, he's clearly not, and if he was bald at his prime what do you think he would've looked like?
Of course he would still have that perfect voice, but I'm talking about his looks, which didn't harm him at the time.
He had Zeus' hair, and it made him look like a god.
I always tell my close friends "I started losing hair because with the hair I had (curly dark brown), and the current face+blonde beard I have today at 26, I would've looked too good, and that just can't happen.



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Does this affect arranged marriage between families? If I were a father, I would never EVER let my daughter marry a baldcel. I have more than enough of sh*t hair genes. I would evaluate his fathers and mothers genetics too.

Back then in 2005 when I was in India, looks were often overlooked in arranged marriages if the guy was doing well professionally or came from a rich/powerful family. Looks became secondary in a country with a huge population and high level of poverty. People were more concerned about feeding themselves.


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Does this affect arranged marriage between families? If I were a father, I would never EVER let my daughter marry a baldcel. I have more than enough of sh*t hair genes. I would evaluate his fathers and mothers genetics too.

I'm a baldcel @ 32 (started balding at 26) but my father has good hair in his 60s (it's even still mostly black) and my mom has 1/1,000,000 hair genetics, she has ultra good hair that walking with her is ridiculous how women are always jealous and turn heads and ask her if it's a wig. I'm just wondering if it's possible my kids might turn out with good hair after all.


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I'm a baldcel @ 32 (started balding at 26) but my father has good hair in his 60s (it's even still mostly black) and my mom has 1/1,000,000 hair genetics, she has ultra good hair that walking with her is ridiculous how women are always jealous and turn heads and ask her if it's a wig. I'm just wondering if it's possible my kids might turn out with good hair after all.
Of course, I have a friend whose dad has a full head of hair in his 50's,
yet my friend is almost bald now at 26 - So I guess it can go the other way around like in your case.
How about your mom's dad? what is/was his hair condition?
You never know how it's gonna affect your kids.
It also depends on your future wife's dad (that's why I asked about your grandfather), if he'd have good hair it will be even better.
The fact that both your parents have such good hair, can be good enough for you, but again,
there is no absolute answer here.


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It does affect how you look, and yes if you're bald and beautiful no one will care about the missing hair,
but if there's something that I've noticed is that many people that actually look like sh*t without hair,
somehow look very handsome with hair, and I'm one of them.

When I was about 15 and got taller etc - my whole look changed with it, and everyone told me I was beautiful, and I was shocked because I was never a "beautiful" kid, but since I becamse 15 everything changed and I guess it's in the genes because both my parents were really good looking, so it makes sense.
And then I started losing hair at 18, my hair started thinning and suddenly I wasn't "beautiful" anymore and girls didn't give me that "f*** me" look that I got so used to. I didn't recognize myself in the mirror.
Then I started treating it and 8 years later I still have good hair, not even close to what it was, but something I can live with.

Now, look at someone like Robert Plant, do you consider him beautiful? (in his 20's-30's)
Because many people do.
But if you look at his face, he's clearly not, and if he was bald at his prime what do you think he would've looked like?
Of course he would still have that perfect voice, but I'm talking about his looks, which didn't harm him at the time.
He had Zeus' hair, and it made him look like a god.
I always tell my close friends "I started losing hair because with the hair I had (curly dark brown), and the current face+blonde beard I have today at 26, I would've looked too good, and that just can't happen.


Iconic rockstars all had the best hair. Now someone will mention the singer of Judas Priest, who is bald. But the game changers had to have great hair otherwise young people would not have listened to them.

A short gallery:





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Does this affect arranged marriage between families? If I were a father, I would never EVER let my daughter marry a baldcel. I have more than enough of sh*t hair genes. I would evaluate his fathers and mothers genetics too.

Baldness makes a dent in girl's mind in arrange marriage.
Parents of such girl will most probably avoid bald guy unless he is good personality,face and career.

Here in arrange marriages,parents do avoid groom if they have family history of psychiatric disoreders/ or skin disorders like albinism/vitiligo.
Hair loss is not consider dangerous(by average public) but still many good looking families may try to avoid it.


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Iconic rockstars all had the best hair. Now someone will mention the singer of Judas Priest, who is bald. But the game changers had to have great hair otherwise young people would not have listened to them.

A short gallery:
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As I am from 1987,i was amazed to see a bald guy in videos of Aqua like Barbie girl/Dr.Jones.
I know something was wrong with that guy back then even as a kid.
But i thing those bald guys who breaks the 'not real but perceived bald loser' mindset are awesome guys.


I just realized that I look like shrek - i am balding, i have a bottom heavy face with spaces between my teeth and they all crooked, bushy eyebrows...oh man, i am shrek!

if i go completely bald, i will go full shrek! Oh my god! This thread is a nightmare.


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The other day, I was reading a magazine article about why it's so common to divorce after middle-age.

All the causes in the world, some genuine, some made-up, you know, the usual "It's men's fault! They don't make any effort!" or "It's because of financial problems!"

But not once was the problem of fading looks mentioned. If your husband went from a thick athletic NW1 to an overweight greying fat slob, this is the main reason the woman will look at him with disgust and want to divorce his ***.

The elephant in the room as you say.

But no, let's speculate over more hidden, unknown reasons that could explain why people divorce. Come on now, it's almost all fading looks, especially when people get older and problems like weight gain and baldness get into the picture;
I think boredom is up there as reason. I think some couples think if they try being with other people, it might have a positive influence on them. Some want to trade an "older model" for a younger one just like a car. A lot of times, the marriage was over for a long time but they wait until their kids are old enough to get divorced. In most cases, I see the couple either age poorly together or age well together. Divorce at one time meant failure and was frowned upon especially in certain religions. Now it means just made the wrong choice and a easy quick fix.

As humans, we tend to like variety. Marriage was something people did so their children would not be born out of wedlock and be called bastards.Now its the norm. It was also for religious reasons to avoid having premarital sex. Now premarital sex is the norm no matter the religion. I would say more kids are born out of wedlock than ever before. The newer generations are realizing just how difficult relationships are becoming. If I am honest with myself, I don't really think I could be with the same person all my life. I think alot of people need a few chances or marriages before they finally meet the person they feel would be someone they can spend the rest of their life with.