Everlasting shed?


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I have been using proscar 1/6 for about a month and a half, and i think that the shedding of hair is still in its full swing... my hair look horrible now... i can literally count the hair on my scalp in front of the mirror... what the hell is going on here?


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Firstly the recomended dose by doctors is 1mg of finasteride. 1/6ths of a proscar tablet is too little. You should be taking either 1/5th or 1/4th a day. It takes atleast 4 months to see any positive results from using finasteride. YOu need to stick it out for atleast 1year before knowing if finasteride is right for you.


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Warrior101 said:
I have been using proscar 1/6 for about a month and a half, and i think that the shedding of hair is still in its full swing... my hair look horrible now... i can literally count the hair on my scalp in front of the mirror... what the hell is going on here?

how was your shedding before the treatment same or less. you can not shed that much of hair in month and a half that you can count the hair in scalp. it is just in your mine and nothing else stop looking at it and don't think about it that much. you will be find :)
good luck