Evils of Shampoo [and non-perscript. meth. of saving hair)


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I realize that for the most part, MBP is a result of genetics, but can't help but wonder if artificial products filled with possibly detrimental chemicals, are speeding up the process of recession, thinning, and hair loss.

Let's face it; hundreds and thousands of years ago, humans did not need shampoo. I believe hair has a way of cleaning itself naturally, and I know of a (very) few people who REFUSE to use shampoo, because they believe it harms their hair.

The adjustment period is brutal - not having shampooed your hair for say a month, but my former colleague and uncle have both said that after that period, their hair feels much smoother and cleaner, as the oils and natural chemicals in the hair adjusts to having to do things the natural way to keep hair clean.

What are your thoughts on this? I've personally considered chucking shampoo, but I use hair wax/gel and don't know how good it would be for my hair to leave those chemicals on, but I'm a genuine believer that we do NOT need shampoo - it's a product out there used to make money.. why throw all those chemicals into our hair?

And what about organic shampoos? Anyone out there use any?

P.S. on another note, my uncle 'washes' his hair with whiskey... rubs it into his hair, and claims that it has completely reverse his hair loss symptoms (no more shedding hundreds of hairs in the shower; in fact has a full head of hair now)... I'm not sure if I'm a believer of this, as my initial thought is that, if anything, this would DAMAGE your hair... I see his hair now and clearly NO MBP issues, but I can't reflect on how his hair looked years ago when he was having issues with hair loss, so don't know what to compare it to...


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We want hair so we can get women. I doubt that not shampooing will help attract women. I'm sure they would prefer a bald man who baths.

Your nose may get use to it, but people who use shampoo will not like the smell. Maybe you need to convince them to stop shampooing too, so they will be used to it. Find an all natural woman.

People used to be a lot uglier in the past too. All kinds of skin blemishes.


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Okay... well like I said, I think our hair has a self-cleaning mechanism, cause I never for a second realized that my former colleague or uncle didn't wash their hair with shampoo... anyways my point is that it DOESNT smell at all. Looks, smells, and feels like everyone else's hair.. actually, they said that their hair was softer and smoother as a result. The natural oils in the hair do their job, but we wash them out with shampoo..


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I looked into this a fair bit at one point :)

I do believe male pattern baldness is fuelled by androgens, not any kind of direct scalp irritation, and the best remedy for most/many guys is to simply correct your hormonal balance. Having said that though I think chemicals probably are capable of speeding up male pattern baldness and also of course burden the liver.

But, what is wrong with just using a natural shampoo? Some are incredibly gentle on the scalp and hair, and leave it looking and smeling absolutely great! :)