EX Proscar newbie seeks answers...


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Hello All,

FYI: Proscar grew an abundance of new hair on my head, reduced the hair that was growing on my back but utterly destroyed my sex life. Decimated it. Really. It was not worth the new growth.

Six months later I'm off the pills and I'm back to my old horny self. Hair is starting to shed.

Any suggestions? I'm new to the group and scanning the postings. What topical DHT works the best? I currently use Minoxidol 5%, Nixoral 1%, folic acid and saw palmetto.

Thanks in advance,



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Saw palmetto won't do anything for hair loss. It does reduce DHT in the prostate, but there is no evidence that it reduces DHT in the scalp. Revivogen may be your best bet as a topical DHT inhibitor. It may irritate your scalp, so you may want to use a coal tar shampoo 2-3 times a week to combat that irritation.


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667 You said yo u were taking Proscar....were you taking the whole pill?



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BadHairDecade said:
667 You said yo u were taking Proscar....were you taking the whole pill?


Nope. Broke it into 4 and took it once a day. Pain in the *** to break down but cheaper.

Not saying this happens to all users but I believe that we want this to work so bad that we overlook the negative side effects.

I want to keep my hair because I believe I look better and it helps me get laid. The ironic thing was that Proscar worked...really well.

It I can't get it up or even worse, don't care about getting it up, I need to re-evaluate my motivations for growing hair in the first place.

As said before, my sex drive is back, ejaculate is heavy and erections are strong. I want to f*** all the time.

BTW: After diminished sex drive, I augmented my non-inspired escapades with a dose of v**** which worked but I was worried about all the chemicals cruising around in my body.

Best of luck.


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Try dutasteride it does not always produce side effects in people that take finasteride and have side effects. :)


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oni said:
Try dutasteride it does not always produce side effects in people that take finasteride and have side effects. :)

Newbie: I don't know what dutasteride is...


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yeah...try every drug, even ones with the unknown side effects! if dutasteride doesnt work, try Acid!


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So people have had success with 5% spironolactone, a topical that (end users believe) inhibits DHT from "seizing" your hair follicle. I have not used it, but I've heard from many that it is effective. And that's saying a lot around these parts. :)
