examination on Avodart


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Ya know I am comfortable with my big three combo but damm it, If I can get better results switching finasteride with Dutasteride I will.

Here's what I have found out:

Finasteride inhibits the type 1 alpha reductase enzyme which prohibits the production of dht. but... there is also a type 2, which Finasteride cant help you in that area but... you said it, Dutasteride can control both.

Do you have to have a perscription for it, YES. I have read several reports that say that dutasteride has a 3to1 ratio of hairs being produced to Finasteride. Does it work, I know it does. I have been doing some research on this for several days solid and I have seen some pics. on 9month, to 1 year, to 2 years of guys on it and only on it. The results were astounding. http://www.hairsite.com go under the tab that sais gallery, there will be 3 columns, look under the first column and there are a bunch of them with Avodart.

Now for the cost. Extremely expensive 75.00 for 30 softgells at 0.5mg. That comes out to about 2.50 a pill. Now I have read that 2.5mg is optimum growth but if you multiply 2.50/pill by 5 to reach 2.5mg, thats 12.50 you spend on that optimal growth. I will speak to a dermatologist to ask what would be the proper dosage to take to surpass the results seen in finasteride. I'm thinking a 1.5 dose . Now here is the upside I have found a generic Avodart called Duprost that offers 100 .5mg tabs for 100 dollars, Im going to find out if its for real. As for the side effects, they are minimal, very similar to propecia. 3 to 4% decreased ejaculation. And thats the biggest there is no adverse affect to decrease in bone mass. It is a fairly safe drug. Now I dont suffer from sexual sides from Propecia. But some do and I would be careful about that. If you have side effects they probably wouldn't be that different from Propecia.

My plan is to do the meds and see how far I get on them for 2 years and consult with a H.T. doctor, using a FUE to pretty it up a bit. They dont want to give Avodart to us at face value because then wheres the money in that. Im going to checkout the Duprost and try and see if its not sugar pills. Write back if you know anything, suggestion(only good ones, think it through) hit me up, peace