

Senior Member
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I've been on Propecia for 1.5 months and been having an uncomfortable feeling in my nuts and surrounding areas since starting finasteride. I went to the doctor today and he checked my nuts out and kinda felt around down there. Anyways he says "Lets check your prostate!". I don't know if anyone here has had that done, but he basically sticks two fingers up your arse presses your prostate glands. :shock: Great time! Anyways I was so relieved that the Doctor did not think propecia was causing this and that I can continue with the finasteride.
Kinda funny that I was more worried about being able to continue the finasteride, than if there was something seriously wrong with me.
Hairloss is sick!!!!


New Member
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ROFL, :lol: Everytime I log into this forum. I get a laugh of of somebodys posts.

Goodluck viperfish :wink:


Senior Member
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THe old prostate exam. That'll rid you of any excess pride you have in a hurry :) BTW my Doctor only used one finger, thank god :freaked:


Established Member
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You were just looking for an excuse to have the doctor probe your butt.