Excellent Hair Growth Site



I stumbled upon the following site, and was very impressed with it's contents. I spoke to it's owner earlier by phone and he seems very knowledgeable.

I was going to keep this resource to myself and a few select people, because I was reluctant to inadvertantly help any of the people here who've been bastards towards me, but it's just not my style.

So, hopefully someone can benefit from this:


The Updates section is very informative.

And if you have any complaints, don't direct them towards me, cause I don't care.


Established Member
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Wow, thats good stuff,...much appreciated erik, thanks!

That new "vitamin" by loreal looks very promising

"L’Oreal also had the summary abstract of a 6 month placebo controlled, double blind study on their site involving 36 women between the ages of 18-45 with “thinningâ€￾ hair. Improvement was noted in 100% of the women receiving Hair Mass in only 7 weeks. All cases of thinning hair were apparently “resolvedâ€￾ after 6 months.

L-Taurine’s benefits for hair are not gender specific, the data referenced in their patent application showed benefits for men as well. The effects of fibrosis on hair do not apparently discriminate on the basis of gender."

I'm going to read up on this a little more, and might actually give it a try


Sure man.

I'm going to try that Dr. Proctors Advanced Hair Regrowth Formula (Rogaine Substitute) myself and see how it works.