exercise helps!! Improve your body image


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To all you people losing your hair and getting down - my suggestion is to hit the gym - Its surprising what muscles can do to your self esteem and general body image.

I have been losing my hair for the last four years and I lost confidence, became depressed in my body image but I have been working out for the past year, 4 times a week and I can tell you that I feel alot fitter, look more healthier and I look better (even though I have lost alot of hair). My depressive mood has lifted (probably due to endorphins released during exercise).

I am not saying that we should all become meatheads or look like Vin Diesel (although there is nothing wrong with that) just go for the toned look by using high reps and low weights. Losing up there and gaining on your chest or arms will boost your confidence I can tell you from personal experience. Hitting the weights will make you stronger, healthier, happier (endorphins etc)

You dont even have to go to the gym, just order some weights from the internet, get a good protein powder, make a plan and work out in your bedroom or garage 4 times a week, then look in the mirror in a year.

Thats my humble advice to you people that are low on confidence - dont flame me for this!


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Nothing to flame...what you said is true...Althought I have been working for almost a year now I have had no muscle gains...Its due to my vegeterian diet :( ....Now adding some protiens and stuff...lets see how it goes.


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hairhaircomeagain said:
Nothing to flame...what you said is true...Althought I have been working for almost a year now I have had no muscle gains...Its due to my vegeterian diet :( ....Now adding some protiens and stuff...lets see how it goes.

well you need to take supplements then. you should anyway since youre a vegeterain.


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If I was to buy a set of weights, which one would be best? It would save $500 for a gym membership.

I also bike and run during the week. I'm trying to get up to 3 miles a day running. I've given myself a year for this and Rogaine and Nizoral (can't afford any Propecia or Finasteride).

Funny thing when I was doing a mock interview for school, my hair loss didn't look bad, you could only see one thin part. It's just the hairline that's noticeable.


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hairhaircomeagain said:
Nothing to flame...what you said is true...Althought I have been working for almost a year now I have had no muscle gains...Its due to my vegeterian diet :( ....Now adding some protiens and stuff...lets see how it goes.

Dude, organic protein shakes work wonders. You get the right about of amino acids and no animals are harmed in it's making (well at least they claim that).

But yeah, working out is great. Afterwards you feel regenerated and healthier. Some people think it's strange, but I love that feeling when your muscles are sore from pressing too much and maxing out. To me I don't feel the pain, I feel my muscles getting stronger. That's just me of course.


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nah i'm with you there, i love the muscle ache the day after. makes you feel like you really worked yourself over.


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DaSand said:
If I was to buy a set of weights, which one would be best? It would save $500 for a gym membership.

I also bike and run during the week. I'm trying to get up to 3 miles a day running. I've given myself a year for this and Rogaine and Nizoral (can't afford any Propecia or Finasteride).

Funny thing when I was doing a mock interview for school, my hair loss didn't look bad, you could only see one thin part. It's just the hairline that's noticeable.

you can't get enough equiptment to excersise like you should just buy buying a few things.

gym membership is a must.


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actually i think you can get totally ripped without using any weights at all. pushups, chinups, situps. once you can do a lot in a row, start doing them dynamically, ie/clap your hands between pushups etc.

but as to weights it depends on how much you've got. two dumbbells with some weights will be enough to get you going, you can get most all required ranges of movement with them. a barbell would be good as well, but dumbbells first. a little bit of ingenuity and you can get just as good a workout out of those two dumbbells as you would with a gym membership.


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DaSand said:
If I was to buy a set of weights, which one would be best? It would save $500 for a gym membership.

I also bike and run during the week. I'm trying to get up to 3 miles a day running. I've given myself a year for this and Rogaine and Nizoral (can't afford any Propecia or Finasteride).

Funny thing when I was doing a mock interview for school, my hair loss didn't look bad, you could only see one thin part. It's just the hairline that's noticeable.

NordicTrack stores are closing nationwide and have had some killer deals up to 75% off. Check to see if a store in your area still has anything you want since a lot of it is gone by now.


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jeffsss said:
DaSand said:
If I was to buy a set of weights, which one would be best? It would save $500 for a gym membership.

I also bike and run during the week. I'm trying to get up to 3 miles a day running. I've given myself a year for this and Rogaine and Nizoral (can't afford any Propecia or Finasteride).

Funny thing when I was doing a mock interview for school, my hair loss didn't look bad, you could only see one thin part. It's just the hairline that's noticeable.

you can't get enough equiptment to excersise like you should just buy buying a few things.

gym membership is a must.

Sorry, but I totally disagree. Unless you're planning on becoming a professional body building, I don't see any reason for anyone to feel forced to go to a gym. I've been to gyms before and now I work out at home, trust me, you can get excellent results from working out at home.

DaSand, what I suggest is get a bench, barbell, dumbbells, and a chin up bar. I actually got everything I needed at Walmart and ended up saving quite a bit.... it's a lot cheaper than buying at those so called "discount" sporting goods outlets.

I also recommend going to this site: http://www.exrx.net/Exercise.html
It'll tell you the different exercises you can do with the bench and weights... plus they give you some work out routines too.


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hairhaircomeagain said:
I have had no muscle gains...Its due to my vegeterian diet :( ....Now adding some protiens and stuff...lets see how it goes.

Why dont you try a soy or whey protein shake suitable for vegetarians? (If you are in the UK I can give you some product suggestions).

To get you started buy 20-30kg of weights including a barbell and dumbells - so if you get hooked you can always buy more weights.

What are u guys aiming for? Charles Atlas or Mens Health?


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I'm totally for working out at home if you have the motivation. The problem is that a lot of people will buy a lot of expensive equipment and never do what they're suppose to do, but for people who actually go out to workout, there's a more of a motivation because you have to actually leave the home to workout. When people actually leave the home and get to a destination, there's a more of a purpose and motivation to do what they set out to do since they went through the effort to get to that place. But like I said, working out at home is great and a lot of the times there isn't a need for expensive workout products if the person knows what they're doing. But if you're like me, I need that extra push to actually get out to do the workout because if I just stay home, then I'm probably gonna watch tv, eat, play on the internet and look at p**rn.


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Just to let you guys know about my home gym, some girls who are friends with some of my co-workers said I look jacked. That's a good thing to hear, I get my workouts from Men's Health


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exercise is good and i rollerblade everywhere i go (yeah, that does not count as exercise, but it is better than driving).

however, i had two hair graft surgeries 7 months apart, and for 3 months after the surgeries i have to be careful not to stress the back of my head so the scar stays then and does not stretch. these means that in the last 9 months i've missed about 5 months of heavy exercise. i can do moderate, controlled exercises of specific types, by some put tension i can feel. i'm in decent shape, but I'm bothered that i can't up the intensity for another two months and can't work my shoulders by lifting weights out in front of me. My scar was non-existant last time, and I want it to be that way again this time. and in another 6 months, i want to touch up my hairline again. I want to lower a corner a few millimeters and thicken the rest in.