Exotic Regimen - Garlic + Onion + Cayenne + Vinegar


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This is a home remedy and it is claimed that it also benefits Androgenetic Alopecia hairloss. You be the judge

Take one fresh garlic, one fresh onion, one to three Cayenne Pepper, and some Apple Cider Vinegar and mix them in blender or food processor (not juicer). Use this before shampooing, massage onto your hair touching the scalp in thinning areas and leave for 45 minutes before washing with shampoo. Use this everyday for three weeks and you are supposed to see some result. After that, just use it weekly.

Garlic - is loaded with vitamins as well as minerals. Also opt for fresh garlic clove multiple times a day anyway for hair benefits as well as other health benefits; it is natural enemy to cholesterol. Always go natural, and avoid supplement forms as they are processed; and processed food must be avoided at all cost

Onion - has Quercetin which has anti-inflammatory properties. In some studies, it has grown hair (not sure if in vitro or viva, or in human or mice)

Cayenne - pepper has capsaicin that boosts blood circulation along with other benefits such as digestive tract repair etc. Capsaicin has grown hair when rubbed on mice skin. However, the extent of regrowth is not known to me, and it is unclear if it will do the same on human

Vinegar - go for Apple Cider Vinegar always. It has been alone sometimes reported to grow hair in Androgenetic Alopecia men. It also gives freshness and volume to hair when applied before shampooing. Other benefits include its property of "pick me up." Get ACV that is unfiltered, un pasteurized and with the "mother;" all other commercial grade filtered varieties are useless


- you are simply chopping them together in a blender, not using a juicer, not filtering them

- the end product would be gooey paste and not juice, not even a smoothie. But the paste should be even with no ungrounded grainy residue left. Contrary to what you might think, it is not that messy on scalp once dried completelyl

- it may be time consuming to make this everyday, so make it once as mentioned above and refrigerate it, it will last for several days, but avoid making paste in excessive amount to avoid loss of freshness and benefits

- always buy ACV that is NOT filtered and is non-pasteurized, and is with the "mother." Filtered and pasteurized ones are useless. Bragg's brand is top of the line and is all natural, but expensive. I have only seen it at Wholefood stores and with ridiculously exorbitant price. Vitacost.com has it for less than half their price. This is not a mass merchandise, so you wont find it in just any grocery store. So you will have to shop around your local area. You may use other brands as long as they are unfiltered and non-pasteurized, and with the "mother." Walmart has one brand which is quite reasonably priced

- don't be squeamish and delicate: You will feel burning from pepper the first time or so, and to some degree later on depending on what conc. of cayenne you use. There is nothing to cry about it. There isn't much odor from Garlic either, even if any, just suck it up

- fresh garlic oral consumption, if used in a certain high quantity at one time, and/or frequently might give body odor. You might even feel it yourself coming from your chest area if you try to smell it. Some soap or body wash will simply mask it well, while others may not do that of a great job. This is just my finding that some BW or soap just do not react well with ones own body chemistry while some others do. SO, just play around with it to see what soap will work best for you

- capsaicin is usually in a powder form if you buy as a supplement. This is one thing I would say you can use it from supplements. Powder comes in a gelcap, and you can easily unscrew the gelcap and extract the powder. However, it is ridiculously expensive. I would go to any Indian stores, and ask them for hot spicy pepper powder or minced seeds or even dried pepper. They are inexpensive and natural without much processing. Once you touch this powder, do not touch any part of your body, and not down there, no, never touch that part with it

- be wise, and try to play around with the quantity above to see what works best for you. There is no hard and fast rule how much of each is best established-it is all your own experiment


If you do decide to try this regimen, please come back and post your results here in this post for everyone to read. Ideal person we would like to hear from would be a) anyone not using anything else but this, or b) anyone who has a stale/stabilized regimen and can actually deduce the benefits, if any, of this regimen on its own.

To be objective, please try to organize your results/observation in this format

A) When you first started

B) Any regimen you are/were on when started this trial. Any details

C) When you first noticed hair benefit and at what degree, what part of scalp etc. Benefits=stop shedding, or regrowth of vellus hair or dark hair etc

G) What makes you think it is this regimen result rather than other regimen you may have recently started-Your intuitive thoughts

H) Any side effects: Hair quality, heart rate, urine frequency, scalp acne/bumps


Keep this post uncluttered. Post if you have something substantial to contribute relevant to the topic. But, please do post your experience with this regimen to share with us and to help others.


Senior Member
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good luck with that...any regime means you need to do it everyday...impossible to consume this everyday...bleh!!


Established Member
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It's definitely a piece to the puzzle. I have had success with the cayenne, garlic and weekly vinegar rinse...will be adding onion soon.


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The most important thing to take from this post is the ACV. I suffered from seborrheic dermatitis for over a decade. NOTHING helped (shampoos, scalp treatments, etc.). I had constant inflammation, itchy scalp, flakiness, and accelerated hair-loss. ACV was a CURE for this. I applied with a dropper (just like we do minoxidil solutions) to my entire scalp, once a week for the first month. It's been four years, and now I apply once a month (at most) just to maintain. I consider myself cured of the tormenting itching and redness that I lived with for years. The only drawback is smelling like a salad when you sweat or get wet (within the 3 days of application) - totally worth it. For those of you who have constant scalp itch/irritation/inflammation, you have nothing to lose. Just try it. I use Bragg's ACV at full strength - full scalp soak for 30min before a shower.

Armando Jose

Senior Member
My Regimen
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ACV = Apple Cider Vinegar,

Good to BadLabTech, do you use also sodium bicarbonate?