Experation dates of finasteride?


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Just wondering how long Proscar can just sit around for before expiring?

would be interested in knowing this cause I'm quit finasteride bout 3 weeks ago to see if I am experiencing actual male pattern baldness as it is undetectable and so far so good BUT assuming it MAY start want to know how long these pills can sit around for cause i got 25 of them!


need_hair04 said:
Just wondering how long Proscar can just sit around for before expiring?

would be interested in knowing this cause I'm quit finasteride bout 3 weeks ago to see if I am experiencing actual male pattern baldness as it is undetectable and so far so good BUT assuming it MAY start want to know how long these pills can sit around for cause i got 25 of them!


Have you got male pattern baldness or not?

Is there an expiration date on the foil side of the blister pack.

Are you holding on to these pills because you MAY develop male pattern baldness in the future.


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about 6 months ago I went through a TERRIBLE case of Sebborea dermatitus which cause LOTS of shedding (200+hairs/day) naturally like anyone else who would see this I ASSUMED I was beginning to bald even though there was no change in thickness or hairline... after going to the Doctor he gave me proscar because he assumed all this shedding was diffuce around the top of my head was the beginning of the balding process, that and the fact that my mothers side is screwed with hairloss at an early age... Thats WHY I have proscar.

However since then I'm now completely controlled the sebborea and inflamation mainly using nizoral and shedding is GONE, after using proscar for 4 months I stopped 3 weeks ago thinking this is useless which seems more and more evident since hair is remaining the same shedding stopped.

I'm keeping the proscar in case this severe shedding decides to come back even with the inflamation under control which would rule out that indeed I would be balding!!

And I checked the label it says nothing of expiration date... What does yours say, I can base mine on anyone's from here! (this is Canadian Proscar since I am Canadian and I get this stuff free anyway!)


There should be an expiration date somewhere on the blister pack (that is if you have a blister pack and not a bottle) usually on the foil side of the blister.

good luck


Senior Member
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I just got a new prescription filled, and on the blister packs it says it expires January 2007. Using my detective skills to detect sh*t, I detect that it takes finasteride a good 2-3 years before it expires. Thank you for your time.


Deaner said:
I just got a new prescription filled, and on the blister packs it says it expires January 2007. Using my detective skills to detect sh*t, I detect that it takes finasteride a good 2-3 years before it expires. Thank you for your time.

Listen to Detective Deaner P.I. him speak de truth, my Proscar blisters read March 2006 and are a few months old, so it is reasonable to presume most 'fresh' batchs have a couple of years shelf life.


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everybody thanks for the replies, for sure by 2-3 years I'll know if I need to use finasteride or not so thats good news.

my sebborea at its worst could be described as follows BEFORE Treatment:
-Extreme itching, so bad that I couldnt go an hour without a massive itching period.
-HAIRLOSS, again like I said earlier around 200+/a day, to count all I had to do was shake my head vigorously and 80 hairs atleast would fall freely out..... MOST of the hairs lost had a peice of dandruff attached to them and sometimes 3-6 hairs would be attached to a peice of scale(or dandruff massive flake)
- Red spots around hairline that when scratched would almost peel with skin.
I guess that was it before starting treatment for it

AFTER Treatment using Nizoral (2%), Selsun blue (2.5%selenium sulphide), T-Gel(original and 3% salyctic acid) tea tree oil(added few drops to regular shampoo) Elu Hair(dietary supplement for hair growth)

Since using the following treatments the following occured:
- after 4th week on Nizoral condition began to improve, 60% less shedding and no more red spots, less dandruff... after this point I added other treatments noted above which brought me to 90% recovery.
- The proscar treatment for 4 months did nothing as it shouldnt have anyway, so I quit.
-During first week off of proscar sebborea came back and now have ONLY used Nizoral HEAVILY on each application every 3rd day and used light shampoos on off days now condition is at 95% cured, for now atleast anyway! I hope this answers your question!


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Also I disovered that the "trigger" of my sebborea was because of university exams being that it was my first year of university and found it REAL stressful!


Experienced Member
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i see. the first time i noticed my seborrhea was at a barbers about 6 years ago and the girl started to brush my hair before she cut it and all kinds of hair came out in her brush...lots! and they were all attatched to white pieces of scalp. I think my seborrhea is male pattern baldness related cause it only occurs on the top. I keep it under control by keeping my hair really short,..(like half an inch) and washing it every day...nizoral every 4th day and t-gel in between. I still get it but it's not as bad. I have stopped itching my head and i haven't brushed it in forever out of fear of what i saw that day at the dreaded barbers!!! what a nightmare.


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Thats interesting actually... the first time it hit me was when I was brushing my hair and TONS of hair was comming out, hit me like a sack of bricks, of course this was before starting any treatment.

Few questions though,
is your shedding still aggresive? and was your hairloss in male pattern state or diffuce?

and finally do you believe that this was what started your hairloss or did you have this condition for years before starting to gain noticeable hairloss? (culprit or not)

- this is pretty interesting that this only occured at the top with you because this is similar to my condition as well, wondering if this may actually like male pattern baldness someday perhaps SOON :shock:


Experienced Member
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well i noticed it at 18 and i have been loosing hair since. i have diffuse hair loss but i can see it forming the horse shoe pattern. i don't have a receeding hair line at all though. I think the two are very interrelated as one worsens the other. I don't shed nearly as much as i used to...although i do go through some periods where it gets bad. yet, when ever i go through a shed my seborrhea acts up too. the key is control...u can't beat it. keep ur scalp clean...get your hair really short. I'm on a finasteride/revivogen/nizoral treatment. i would say that it is helping with maintanance, but i still lose hair. maybe like 20 or so a day..(by what i can guess)