Experience With Minoxidil And Dermaroller


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Hi all

I never bothered to make an account on one of these hairloss forums, but here I finally am. xo

So first of all, let me explain my situation;
I'm a 25 yo with a NW1.5/2-ish hairline. I started losing my temples fairly quick when I was around 19 and been using it (not too consistent) ever since. Temples are somewhat noticeable, but by no means very obvious. As far as I'm aware, finasteride halted any further hair loss. I don't take pictures or w/e, but I didn't notice any regression over the past 4-5 years. I still have a good density on top. I have a lot, but fine, blond hair (always had). My current regimen is 6 days per week 1.25mg finasteride + 1 day 0.5mg dutasteride (since a few months). I get no side effects whatsoever, and noticed a small increase in density so far. I also use nizoral sporadically like once a week, just to dry out my hair a bit, because my hair has a tendency to get greasy quickly.

The hair in the front looks quite thin though, in my opinion. When there's direct or bright light shining it is somewhat noticeable. I get complimented about my hair (mostly cuz of the colour lol) quite a lot, so it's not I'm overly concerned or unhappy with the situation. But I'd just like to try if I can increase the hairline (even a bit).

When I just noticed I was losing my temples at 19, the dermatologist prescribed me 5% minoxidil.
I must say I hated it from the start. I had to use the liquid version because I never had very short hair, but it was a hassle to apply and it gave me dandruff/seborrhoic dermatitis (which disappeared when I started using nizoral). After already a few weeks I went from applying it 2 times to once day. And after like 10-ish months of inconsistent use I quitted it. I didn't have the feeling it really did anything other than making everything greasy.

But because there isn't anything other than minoxidil that works primarily as a growth stimulator, I wonder if I should give it a try again. A while ago I read that combining minoxidil and microneedling works significantly better than minoxidil alone.
Tl;dr anyone who was in sorta the same situation as me and had good experience with minoxidil (and microneedling)?
If I start it again, I intend to apply minoxidil only once a day at night. Twice a day is just too much hassle.

I didn't know what was the best place to drop my story down, so forgive me if I'm wrong.

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Try foam minoxodil. Works great for me.

Is it even doable to get it on your scalp if you still have lots of hair?

This whole forum is 'minoxidil and microneedling: the forum'

I figured, but was more looking for people in a similar situation (stabilized hair loss, still lots of hair, tendency to get irritated scalp, ...). :)
As in what needle length you use, how often do you apply minoxidil, how long before results started to show (or not), etc.
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