experienced posters: please help me iim panicking



I noticed my hairloss about 6 months ago and got straight on finasteride.

I only had a slight thinning on the right edge of my temple/hairline and a slight lack of density on the crown.

I have been on finasteride for 5 and a half months now and started putting minoxidil on my crown and hairline about 3 and a half months ago.

My hair didnt really change until 2 months ago, basically the first centmetre of my hairline and right temple has lost about 60% of its density in the space of 6-8weeks. I have basically gone from having thick hair at the front to shitty thin hair, i can no longer spike it up at the front with out it looking completely see-through, so i am having to comb it forward now, which looks a bit sh*t and you can see thinness on the right side of my hair.

It's got to the point where I am having to use dermatch, which works well but makes me feel like sh*t for using it. My hairline has gone fron a pretty solid norwood 1-1.5 to the diffused outline of a norwood 2 on the left and a norwood 3 on the right.

I am so wooried about this and wish i had never started using minoxidil on my hairline, as i didnt research enough until i started seeing these problems.

I know about minoxidil and finasteride sheds but I haven't read about anyone getting hit this much in the front of theie hair.

Also the rest of my hair remains very thick and my crown has improved a little.

I have no sides, but lately it is looking so bad i am getting severely depressed and feel like my haste in using minoxidil has ruined my hair forever.

If anyone has experienced anything like this or can help me at all I would appreciate it.



Fallout Boy

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THese kinds of posts are what scare me into not using minoxidil on my hairline ... let me know if your hairline improves!! if you still use minoxidil on your hairline .. GOODLUCK MAN!!!!!!


Senior Member
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If you're just noticing male pattern baldness, start with finasteride (Propecia) and add minoxidil later. A lot of people can regrow and at least maintain with finasteride alone. Also, taking one drug at a time will allow you to see exactly how you react to finasteride. If you're one of those 83%, you'll at least maintain.

So, my recommendation is kill the minoxidil and give finasteride a solo run for at least a year.



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I use minoxidil on my hairline but mine looked like sh*t before I started so it couldent get much worse.

To be honest it has gone through periods of looking worse, then better, and then worse again. Right now I have a lot of hairs regrowing on my frontal hairline so the future looks good, but right now they are not real contributers to the overall density.

If I had a perfect frontal hairline I wouldent get minoxidil anywhere near it until it needed it.

too bald too furious

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Minoxidil helped me to thicken up my hair line. You need to stick with Minoxidil for atleast a year to see the regrowth.

On average, 5% Minoxidil takes 4-6 months to start growing thicker and healthier hairs.

Stick to it. DONT QUIT minoxidil. IT WILL LEAVE YOUR HAIR REALLYYYY sh*t, like it did to me.

Getting there

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Stick with it. Just don't over do the temples. Give it time to dry in the mornings and then add a styling creme with thickening agents. A lot of products (esp gels and gums) can actually make your hair look thinner.

If your worried that the chemcial is drying out your hair, let it to dry and then use a spray-in conditioner and comb thru.

It's also a good substitute for hair gels/waxes etc because it leaves the hair shiney and then just use a hair spray for hold.