Experiences of hair loss...


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shouldn't have read this.

This is too much!
I just looked in the mirror at my hair and as soon as I saw it, I fell to the floor twitching violently like an agitated maggot.

I always took peoples advice.

It's too hard though.

I have to start afresh.

My first step was to go and see a doctor.

Today I went.

However, I only got as far as the entrance, after seeing my reflection in the door before turning around and walking home crying.

I‘m now here, lying on my bed, crying and shouting aimlessly around my room.

I even just picked up my action man and threw him across the room in temper.

I can’t take this!

I never knew it was like this!

When I go down the town, I always avoid car windows. I avoid them because if I see my reflection, it scares the living hell out of me. I find myself running away from cars in case I accidentally see myself.

I can’t help it.

When I saw my hair in the mirror last night, that was the last straw. I dropped the mirror, fell to my knees, pointed in the air with both hands and with my head saturated in minoxidil and my horse shoe pattern shining like a beacon, I started to curse god by giving him a piece of my mind.

It hurts.

Today I went around my mums house and had an heart to heart with her.

It was all going well until I reached the front door, rang the door bell and saw my reflection in window. This resulted in me turning around, messing my pants and walking away crying.

Anyway, later that day, I plucked up the courage to leave my house and see her again.

I told her that I needed to start again. I told her of my hair loss problems and how I saw myself as 2 different people. She asked what I meant, so I told her I’d give her an example.

Then, whilst waving my hands in the air in an animated fashion, I started to point to my hair line whilst shouting “The hair frames the face, the hair frames the face!â€.

I then asked her to open the blinds.

When she opened them I pointed my head, fell to the floor and started to furiously roll around like a disgruntled goblin, whilst muttering in a distressed manner “I’m at rock bottom, I’m at rock bottom!â€.

When she closed the blinds I was ok again.

This explained to her, how I am being perceived as 2 different people.

Being 35 years old, I told my mother I needed to start again.

I asked her to tell me about the birds and the bees.

There I was sitting on the sofa, nodding enthusiastically, as she gave me the full run down.

I was educating myself.

I then needed to leave.

When I left the house, I thought to myself “Yep, I’m readyâ€.

I was ready to live my life again.

Anyway, here I am now, typing this, feeling like crap again.

Sometimes I don’t know what to do. I always find myself in doors on a Friday night, lining up the hairs I shed one by one and measuring the diameter between the shafts, whilst muttering in a beaten, depressed voice “The shafts seem pigmented at the bottom, but thick at the topâ€.

That’s when I walked into my bathroom, sat on then toilet and started to furiously beat my head on the ground at the misfortune hair loss has given me.

I even had to stay off work last week because I had diarrhoea.

After examining the diarrhoea, I found 2 shedded hairs in it.

This was the end of my world.

I then fell off the toilet.

There I was, lying on the floor as my Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles under-pants were on display to the ants nest that resides in the corner of my bathroom, whilst I was beating my head on the floor in a desperate manner.

Even the ants were grinning me.

It’s not for me.

I even had side effects from finasteride.

For example, I don’t even like Multi-cheerio’s for breakfast anymore.

I don't like this!

I would to thank everyone.

For all your advice.

Thank you

It's helpless though.

This isn’t for me.


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That 'Went on the prowl with my norwood scale is HILARIOUS! The bits about making the shape of Norwood 2.5 and all that made me piss myself!


donkdidonk2 said:
That 'Went on the prowl with my norwood scale is HILARIOUS! The bits about making the shape of Norwood 2.5 and all that made me piss myself!

That's the idea, it's better to laugh about hair loss instead of crying about it.

The potential humiliation with hair loss, cracks me up. The stories write themself.