Experts! Please evaluate my supp. list! Is there any possibl


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Hey guys. Just wanted to run my supplement list by you. These are things Im taking for other health problems Im having. Seem to be having a shed and wanted to get ur guys thoughts. Thanks in advance!


r-lipoic-acid: 300 mg
biotin: 2 mg
ginseng:1200 mg
coq 10: 200 mg
Acetyl L Carnitine: 1800 mg
Ginkgo: 240 mg
Magnesium: 400 mg
lions mane: 1800mg
vit d3: 2000 iu/day
b12: 10mg
rhodiola : 500 mg
spirulina: 1g
N-Acetyl-Cystine: 600 mg

Any feedback greatly appreciated!


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yes. beware of liver damage. too many supplements stresses the liver. I would bet if u got a blood test done from liver function, the enzymes would be high. If not now, then later in life. remember except for vitamins and minerals, u need to take them for life. ur commiting urself to liver damage at some stage maybe even decades from now.

my advice, choose the best 4, and take them, + temporary use of others. replace any synthetic vitamins with natural superfoods, such as chlorella, spiralina, (theres heaps) i'd probably reccomend 2 anti oxidant herbs + 1 multi-vitamin typ superfood, and perhaps 1 mineral supplement. complement this with probiotics. takes these at different times of the day, so not all at once.

liver damage is ok for a while but at a certain point it becomes irreversible.
The benefits of those supplements will quickly become negligable compared with the detrimental liver effects.

just my opinion.

The Natural

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Curious as to why you are taking ginseng (as it relates to hair)? Does a synergism exist between any of the supplements that you have included in your regimen?


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A lot of the supplements Im taking, including ginseng, is to speed up nerve recovery from some peripheral nerve damage I had some time ago.

Biotin Im taking to counteract the r-lipoic, as it is said to compete with biotin.

So besides liver stuff, do you guys think anything in there could be effecting my hair negatively?