Explain what your shedding is like!


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For me I dont shed alot when i'm in the shower(10 hairs more or less), or when i sleep(10 hairs more or less) .
I shed alot only/ mostly when I myself attempt to pull hairs off of my head.
I usually freak myself out when I pull these hairs, compared to the hairs that fall off themselves.
How do you shed?


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same here, running the hand through the hair f*****g hell so many come out! traumatic sh*t!


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JDW said:
same here, running the hand through the hair f****ing hell so many come out! traumatic sh*t!

Oh tell me about it man
I cant seem to stop though :(
Im sure its not good for us
Do you just run your hands through your hair, or attempt to pull?
These hairs that we actually pull off. Would they not fall off for a while atleast if we dont pull them off?


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:agree: , even i used to shed a lot when i used to run my hand through my hair, i would feel very depressed. My shed was quiet a lot, about 100 everyday.

I tried many things such as vitamins, shampoos, nothing helped, all hair growing pills are spam, except for very few. When i was 20, my friends would say before you complete your graduation you will loose all your hair, and now i am 32 and i can say i am happy and content. Since the last 12 years i have experimented a lot, wasted a lot of money, nothing really helped.

It was only when i started taking propecia i saw better hair growth. But the problem of hair fall still continued. I did not understand why it was still happening, I would wonder at times that if my hair fall stopped my hair would be really good, finally i am seeing better results with not much hair fall.

However since last 1 month, i have started eating really health stuff and since then i don't have much hair fall.

What i am trying to say is just by taking propecia is not going to help, instead of experimenting with medicines if we try eating more healthy stuff it could help. I can't say it will work for all, however i can definitely say it has helped me. If it helps someone else i will be really happy.

I make sinscere effort that i eat every days certain vegetables and fruits everyday. blow are just few examples. i am taking most of them in my daily

Almond 5
Walnut 2
Dry apricot 2
Carrot 1
Beetroot (1/2)
Pulp fruits (Papaya or watermelon, etc)
Apple 1
lots of water
Tomato 1
Phyllanthus emblica

Oiling hair (once a week)



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Whenever I have shed it has never been traumatic. The shed hairs always seem to be the same length no matter how long my hair is currently. And they are 19 times out of 20 really thin hairs. On my current regimen I have a hard time even ripping out the hair.

Also I notice more shedding a couple of days after cutting my hair. I'm thinking it's just coincidence though.