Extreme Fatigue

Hairless Goat

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This is my 4th day on Propecia. I've taken .5 mg each day. Thus far, I've had mild testicular ache (not entirely sure how tangible it is) and no salient libido issues. However, extreme fatigue just overtook me. Around this time of the day, it is common that I feel somewhat tired but this fatigue is unlike anything I've experienced in a while. The strange thing is that I slept well last night. Yesterday evening, I was really tired to, it was more of a daze without cognitive issues, my thoughts were still smooth. I want to continue on this treatment, but this fatigue is disconcerting. Anybody else experience it?


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Nah, never experienced fatigue, how would Finasteride induce such symptoms? Genuinely curious. I'd personally ride it out.


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Finasteride can cause fatigue, but when I experienced this, it was accompanied with severe sleeping problems, nightsweats and most of all chronic lack of concentration/focus.

Normally if the fatigue is finasteride related you'll get this whole package of finasteride-related sleeping and cognitive sides, but it sounds to me that what you have is more a bit of isolated fatigue, which could be caused by absolutely anything, i.e. lack of exercise, long day at the office, a heavy lunch etc etc...

Don't read too much into it. Ride it out for the next week and then see where you are then.

Hairless Goat

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Yeah, I intend on riding it out fo now. I have been sleeping very well on finasteride, so I was a little bit puzzled by why I became so tired the past two days. The more salient side is my testicles. There is no pain down there, but I feel a mild ache. Supposedly this is a common initial side, but it doesn't put my mind at ease.


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A: Ball ache is probably the most common reported side effect. I had it when I started out at .5mg a day. Went away in probably 2 weeks or less. 3 years later I upped my dose to 1.25mg and the ache came back for about 2 weeks again. Has yet to return.

B: I wouldn't put too much stock into being tired today. This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about when I say that people will FIND a side effect if they look hard enough. So far it's been one time, and you're already sitting there wondering if it's because of propecia. I 100% guarantee you that you wouldn't have given it a second thought if you were tired today and you hadn't taken propecia yet. You are WANTING to find something wrong, so you're going to find it. I mean...just think about it for a second. When was the last time that you REALLY kept track of how you felt during the day and your energy levels? Do you keep a sleep/energy journal so that you can compare today with the last 10 days of sleep/energy? No. So, calm down, and just go about life as normal. The sooner that pill just becomes something you pop and forget, the sooner you'll stop freaking out about everything :)

Hairless Goat

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The nut ache hasn't yet bothered me today. However, I feel a little tired at the moment once again. This would make it the third consecutive day. But, yes, I know the situation could be exacerbated by my mind. I have been sleeping so damn soundly. Last night, I had a dream I saw Eminem in concert in one of those two-level theaters. He was not punctual and would leave the stage for long periods of time between songs. Christina Aguilera opened with one song and addressed my ball ache to the audience from the stage. Perhaps a less-documented side effect of Propecia is dreaming about performers one doesn't particularly like.

- - - Updated - - -

My friend, who supported my decision to take Propecia, says I should stop taking the drug since I have testicle ache, as the monograph that came with the drug says STOP IMMEDIATELY IF YOU EXPERIENCE TESTICLE PAIN. I don't really feel it that much today, but something felt a little awry down there the past few days. I'm trying to convince him it's alright to continue with the treatment. Would a mild and dull ache constitute pain?


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The product insert for my finasteride says to go speak with my doctor if I experience testicular pain, not sure why yours says to stop entirely.

I honestly wouldn't worry too much about it. It seems like a very common symptom. I can't remember exactly when I had mine, but I believe it was the 2nd or 3rd week. It lasted around 3 days, and felt just like blue balls. It wasn't so much painful as it was uncomfortable, but it certainly did ache. For me, it went away as suddenly as it started, and hasn't returned. I do still get random aches in my testicles from time to time, but then again what man doesn't?

When you start finasteride, your body is likely working some overtime to regulate your hormones and balance things out. This takes time, and it isn't without reason to assume you might become fatigued. I could be wrong too, but it's a potential explanation. I didn't have any fatigue at first, but a few months in I felt like I was more fatigued and tired than normal. Then again, it was during a fairly stressful period in my life and I was working long hours, so who knows. Almost 2 years on it, I sleep just as well as I always have, wake up feeling refreshed (if i'm not hung over) and get through the day with an adequate amount of energy to spare.

Hairless Goat

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Thursday, August 16th, 2012

  • Nut ache prior to bed, it was more intermittent during the day than it had been the previous few days. I had chicken for dinner which tends to have a DHT-inhibiting effect, so I've read.
  • Good energy level. My parents came up so I couldn't lie down for a few minutes like I normally do after work. I usually just doze and it rejuvenates me. Despite not being able to do that, I maintained a good energy level the rest of the day. The concerns that Propecia will fatigue me have been alleviated for the time being.
  • While at the gym, I did lat pulldowns and struggled to hit that last rep I typically don't have any problems with. To my surprise, I looked at the weight and it was 15 pounds heavier than I normally do. The past few months I could barely bring that weight to my chest. Could Propecia have made me that stronger? Or did I naturally make uncanny strength gains the past week?
  • Erection, if anything, harder than usual. But, probably the same.


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For a few weeks, your testosterone go up by about 15% so that could be the reason you find yourself lifting heavier than usually. I've restarted weight training, just for personal reasons, i.e a bit of muscle on my arms, and I've been doing it for about 2 weeks now and my arms look and feel a bit bigger, defiantly more definition than when I started,coincidentally, when I started to train, I entered a shed .... hmmmmm, hopefully it had nothing to do with it, lol.


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Your body levels your hormones out, basically adjusting.


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this is very ironic, but over the past 5 days i have been experience extreme fatigue as well (usually starts around 2pm). in addition to the fatigue i am experiencing hot flashes in hot weather. i have been taking finasteride for about 3 months now and have not experienced any sides with the exception of watery seamen.