Extremely accelerated shedding! What's wrong? What can I do?


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Any help or advice will be really appreciated. It's sad but also a bit worrying.

I noticed thinning in my hair about 5 years ago but it progressed very very slowly. It seems to have sped up early in 2006 and is now ridiculous. Every day in the shower as I run my hand through my hair perhaps 50 to 100 or more hairs are coming out. The shower floor is filled with hair. The hairline is receding quickly, all over the top is thinning quickly as well. And there's very little, if any, regrowth.

I've been taking propecia for about 2 years, just switched this week to 5mg Fincar which I cut into 4ths. Was on Rogaine for about 6 months in 2005, stopped and started again 2 months ago, but only use 1x per day as the dandruff/itching is pretty bad. Nizoral 3x per week.

What else can/should I do?

I've heard prolonged or recent stress can cause such an acceleration but I don't have too much stress in my life so I'm pretty sure I can rule that out.


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Just hang in there mate, stick religiously to a solid regimen.