f*** hairloss


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Ok so im one of the few people who is still young and balding at a fast rate. Im so depressed because today i asked a girl out and she told me no because she liked her guys to have alot of hair. They need to throw away aid research and start concentrating on curing baldness or hair loss. I mean if a guy who is partially good looking cant get a normal (non hot girl) then something is really wrong.


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Re: f*ck hairloss

What a f*****g b**ch :thumbdown2: how old are you?


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Re: f*ck hairloss

Help im baldin said:
They need to throw away aid research and start concentrating on curing baldness or hair loss.

Your not going to get any help or sympathy throwing around comments like that man. Your only 19, but thats still a foolish thing to say even for someone at your age.


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Re: f*ck hairloss

What Norwood are you "Help I'm Baldin'" ?

And yeah, teenage girls have a wealth of boys to choose from at that age, it's no suprise they'd rather go after one with thick good looking hair than a guy who looks 25-30 with thin, receding, diffusing hair.
It just looks much more healthy and youthful.
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Re: f*ck hairloss

That sucks...On the plus side of things, my flatmate said she finds a guy at uni attractive who has thin wispy hair that's all spiked up. She made a point of saying she likes his wispy hair because it's unusual. She has strange tastes though. She also likes short and pale men....I tick all of these boxes yet even she doesn't find me attractive. Unbelievable. Sorry, this isn't the plus side of things atall...


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Re: f*ck hairloss

agree with cuebald, and i feel for you buddy, unless you look super-hot balding going to suck that age, girls today waaaayyy wwwaaaayyyy more superficial, its not going to get any better anytime soon, but work hard at the gym and aim for older chicks (28+, yes, i know what your thinking...you dont have much of a choice tho) i think once you get to mid\later twenties it starts to get *abit* better, but dont count on it (there an old indi saying "prepare for the worst, hope for the best").
hang in there...


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Re: f*ck hairloss

Happy as Larry said:
That sucks...On the plus side of things, my flatmate said she finds a guy at uni attractive who has thin wispy hair that's all spiked up. She made a point of saying she likes his wispy hair because it's unusual. She has strange tastes though. She also likes short and pale men....I tick all of these boxes yet even she doesn't find me attractive. Unbelievable. Sorry, this isn't the plus side of things atall...

Except your hair is'nt thin and whispy. :whistle:
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Re: f*ck hairloss

Come on, man! Don't label me as one of those guys who just imagines hair loss and whines about it! Damn it, ok I'm gonna get some pics that really show it off.


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Re: f*ck hairloss

They need to throw away aid research and start concentrating on curing baldness or hair loss.

I know how frustrating it can be to lose your hair but statements such as the one you made are not going to get you anywhere. I think you are much better than this.

You are a young man, and even though you might experience some degree of hair loss, you can definitely meet a nice girl using your personality and education.


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Re: f*ck hairloss

Not every girl you ask out is going to say yes.
Just accept that and don't let it bother you so much.
Unless you're hideous looking, you'll be able to find your fair share of females who will like you. How long is your hair right now? I'd advise shaving it very short so that you're hairloss isn't as obvious. Just because one chick rejected you doesn't mean it's the end of the world. The way she let you down wasn't the most sensitive tactic, so you're probably better off without her, anyway. Getting turned down for a date is just like falling off a bicycle. You need to put your fear aside and get right back on.
That's my advice. Just take it for what it's worth.

uncomfortable man

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Re: f*ck hairloss

Maybe if you actually copulated with hairloss you would catch the aids and then you would have to eat your words.