f*** It Guysâ€â€￾I'm Dropping finasteride


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I've been on finasteride for 4 months now and it's been nothing but one big nightmare. Since starting finasteride I:

Gained 10 lbs.

Am lethargic as hell.

Sleep forever (10-12 hrs.)

Can barely get it up.

Have chest pains.

Am getting boobs.

Have had no cosmetic improvement in my hair whatsoever.

Now, I know finasteride has worked great for most of you. But for me it's just not working out. I am ultra-sensitive to this medication.

Of course I am going to need something to replace finasteride's DHT inhibition role. I am looking at Dr. Lee's 5% Xandrox. He claims that it inhibits 98% of DHT locally. Any thoughts?


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I know this is going to sound stupid... but humor me.

You're taking several supplements.

Again ... this may sound ridiculous ... but would you try it out for me?

Instead of dropping finasteride ...

- Drop the Emu Oil
- Drop the 3,000 MG of MSM you're taking daily
- Drop the 90mg of Magnolia Extract
- Drop the Nizoral 2% and go to 1%
- Drop the Neutrogena completely and replace it with a regular shampoo
- Drop the Head and Shoulders completely for now
- Masturbate only once every 3 days

- Add Centrum Multivitamin 1x daily
- Keep Finasteride 1mg daily
- Add Nizoral 1%

For the third time, I know this sounds ridiculous but we don't know what megadosing your body with all this crap can do. Maybe 90% of the stuff you're feeling is a response to one of these medications you're pouring into your body. Hell you're using medicated shampoo 9 days a week. Give your body a break man.

Humor me. For 3 weeks use nothing but Propecia, 1 Centrum Multivitamin, and 1% Nizoral Shampoo. Go to bed at 11:00pm sharp. One meal out of every day eat something thats primarily vegetables or fruits. Drink 8 cups of water every day. Do light working out every other day for at least 30 minutes. Get 10 minutes of sun per day.

Most of all, dont masturbate except for once every 3 days at the most.

I dare you to try this, if only for the sake of showing me what an idiot I am.



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HairlossTalk said:
I know this is going to sound stupid... but humor me.

You're taking a sh*t load of MSM. You're taking several supplements.

OK, perhaps that is too much. I'll drop it to 1500mg.

Instead of dropping finasteride ...

- Drop the Emu Oil

What's wrong with Emu Oil?

- Drop the 90mg of Magnolia Extract

This worked well for me at first but it's effects are tapering off. Plus it's damned expensive. Drop.

- Drop the Nizoral 2% and go to 1%

I thought there was very little difference between 1 and 2%?

- Drop the Neutrogena completely and replace it with a regular shampoo

T/Sal is just a fruit acid that doesn't have any systemic absorbtion, right?

- Masturbate only once every 3 days

This is going to be hard!

- Add Centrum Multivitamin 1x daily

I already take a multi.

- Keep Finasteride 1mg daily

What about the boobs?

11:00pm sharp.

Can't do it. I don't get home until 2:00 AM most nights.

Do light working out every other day for at least 30 minutes.

I just don't have the energy. I've been completely lethargic since starting finasteride.

Most of all, dont masturbate except for once every 3 days at the most.

I can't do it!!!! What does this have to do with anything anyway?


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I have to agree with most of what HairLossTalk.com says.

...and some other things to think about:

Did you know the magnolia extract has a sedative effect in some people (making you lethargic)?

Perhaps your chest is puffy because you've gained weight, not because of gyno?

There IS very little difference between Nizoral's effectiveness at 1% and 2% so why NOT drop to 1%? Also, unless you have intense scalp problem then there is NO NEED for other medicated shampoos beyond this one.

How are you JO'ing every day if you can barely get it up? :p

Finally, don't say you're too lethargic to exercise for only 30 minutes every other day. It's all a matter of willpower. trust me... I love nothing more than giving in to my laziness and can easily sleep 10 hours but about a month ago committed to working out and loosing my damn flab. That along with eating better is doing wonders for my energy.


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That was basically my logic, mac.

There are so many variables in a human body, as well as a person's daily lifestyle, eating habits, etc etc etc (it could go on for an hour) that its difficult to pin down a cause. I can say that I know for a fact that Propecia does not cause 10lbs of weight gain. And gaining 10lbs for some guys can and does produce breasts ... with or without finasteride. There just is a lot to consider. Im not saying the finasteride is not responsible. Usually though, if you have gyno, the first sign in the breast region is painful sore nipples. Like on the surface level of the skin (not inside). To the point that it irritates to wear a shirt sometimes.

The best thing to do, ideally, would be to go get a Serum Estrogen blood test done and see if you're above the norm. Then you'd have a solid "Yes" on finasteride being the cause, and on Finasteride being bad for you personally. You dont want to keep estrogen levels high unnecessarily.

Maybe that's the best first step then. Get a test. And expect the Doctor to look at you crosse eyed. That's about all they're good for these days ;-). Looking at you cluelessly, telling you you're imagining things, and ordering blood tests since you can't do that part on your own :)



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macdruid said:
Did you know the magnolia extract has a sedative effect in some people (making you lethargic)?

Yes, I'm aware. But that's only if it's taken in excessively high doses. I'm dropping it anyway, though.

Perhaps your chest is puffy because you've gained weight, not because of gyno?

Yes, that has something to do with it. However, I've been getting a weird "feminine tingle" in my chest for the last week or so. I've been much heavier than this before and my boobs have not been this big in proportion to the rest of my torso.

There IS very little difference between Nizoral's effectiveness at 1% and 2% so why NOT drop to 1%? Also, unless you have intense scalp problem then there is NO NEED for other medicated shampoos beyond this one.

I will eventually. I just want to finish off my 2% bottle first.

Dr. Lee says it's a good idea to use nizoral & H & S concomitantly. My scalp has been in great shape since doing the nizoral, H & S, T/Sal rotation. Never been better.

How are you JO'ing every day if you can barely get it up? :p

I have to play around with it for a long time first. :)

Finally, don't say you're too lethargic to exercise for only 30 minutes every other day. It's all a matter of willpower. trust me... I love nothing more than giving in to my laziness and can easily sleep 10 hours but about a month ago committed to working out and loosing my damn flab. That along with eating better is doing wonders for my energy.

I'm pretty knowledgable when it comes to diet and exercise. Since starting finasteride my appetite has been off the charts and I'm lazier than I've ever been in my entire life.


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HairlossTalk said:
The best thing to do, ideally, would be to go get a Serum Estrogen blood test done and see if you're above the norm. Then you'd have a solid "Yes" on finasteride being the cause, and on Finasteride being bad for you personally. You dont want to keep estrogen levels high unnecessarily.

Maybe that's the best first step then. Get a test. And expect the Doctor to look at you crosse eyed. That's about all they're good for these days ;-). Looking at you cluelessly, telling you you're imagining things, and ordering blood tests since you can't do that part on your own :)


Thank you, thank you. I'll get that done ASAP.

But why not so much jerking off? You're breakin' my heart, man!

~Chest Rockwell

not me!

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If your multi doesnt come with Iron, try supplementing with that. CVS has Iron supplements for about $5 a box. Don't take it long term, just long enough to give you an added boost in the day so you can get into the gym and excersise.

I always have trouble understanding why people that don't excercise say that they are tired all the time. When you excercise it actually increases your energy levels ten-fold. Not to mention, it doesn't hurt to not be3 a big ol' barrel-***.


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I am also very lethargic on finasteride. I cut down to 0.5mg of finasteride after a month of starting it because of a weird tingling in my left nipple. That went away after cutting the dose. I also have a severely reduced labido and find it harder tp get an erection (but i can). However the thing thats made me worry the most is the fact that I'm sleeping so much more. I haven't gotten out of bed before 12pm in the last week. Ive just gotten home from university and normally i get up around 10am when Im home. I still have the energy to work out though. I go to the gym 3 times a week. Ive been on finasteride for 3 months now and I was hoping that the side effects would've passed but theyre still here. Plus my hair has been getting worse since starting finasteride. BUT since as its supposidly the best drug out there for hairloss Im gonna give it a year. Ill only stop if something drastic happens (like impotence or something as severe).

Temples why don't you try cutting your dose down? 0.25mg a day is supposed to be almost as effective as 1mg. Im gonna definately consider dropping my dose from 0.5mg to 0.25mg if my side effects don't f*ck off soon.

Good luck buddy.


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Usually this stuff goes away after a month or so on finasteride. I want to reiterate that it very possibly could be the finasteride, but if an estrogen test is available, definitely go that route.

Even if you are in the normal range, you could try dropping the finasteride for a week or two and see how you feel. If it is the finasteride, you should start to feel better after about 4 to 5 days. My side effects usually subsided within the week when i dropped it for testing purposes too.

Good luck and keep us posted. Its all a series of experiments after all, this hair loss treatment stuff :)



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HairlossTalk said:
Most of all, dont masturbate except for once every 3 days at the most.


You didn't answer why you stated this? I mean, does jerking has anything to do with side effects? I thought it was a myth that it has an impact on hairloss.


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HairlossTalk said:
Humor me.

Most of all, dont masturbate except for once every 3 days at the most.

Is that right?

I am doomed.



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Proscar cut into fifths/1 mg finasteride daily

The more i see ppl complaining and finding proscar on their regimen... the more i get suspicious at its abilities... are they really the same drug? :eek:


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Yes they are the same drug, secondly I think HairLossTalk.com was saying lay off for every 3 days is that if you are doing it constantly then it will be harder to get it up, as stated by a previous post. he also said that when cutting back it can make a difference in how you feel and how horny you get etc. I forget the post but do a search it should bring it up for you.


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i agree, i think that HairLossTalk.com was referring to laying of the wanking for side effect purposes, not the hair loss purposes. you said you were feeling lethargic and had sexual side effects, he was saying lay off the wanking, at least i think this was what he was saying i don't want to put words in his mouth, because this would help your sex drive and perhaps make you less tired/lethargic.


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social_drinker said:
I always have trouble understanding why people that don't excercise say that they are tired all the time. When you excercise it actually increases your energy levels ten-fold. Not to mention, it doesn't hurt to not be3 a big ol' barrel-***.

Please, don't generalize. I'm not one of these people. I've never had ANY trouble at all getting up for exercise before starting finasteride. I'm not lazy.


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HairlossTalk said:
Usually this stuff goes away after a month or so on finasteride. I want to reiterate that it very possibly could be the finasteride, but if an estrogen test is available, definitely go that route.

Even if you are in the normal range, you could try dropping the finasteride for a week or two and see how you feel. If it is the finasteride, you should start to feel better after about 4 to 5 days. My side effects usually subsided within the week when i dropped it for testing purposes too.

Good luck and keep us posted. Its all a series of experiments after all, this hair loss treatment stuff :)


Are you saying I should drop finasteride completely for testing purposes? Will my boobs go away if I stop taking finasteride?

And what about the jerking off???


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IMO you shouldn't have to wait 3 days to get a hard on or at least enjoy the hard on

If your not comfortable with altering your bod's hormones then drop finasteride. But first at least try what other have suggested and drop that MSM doseage to at least 1000mg. You are more than likely peeing out MSM around 12 noon.

With the weight gain issue you should be focusing on strictly what you eat, and what time you eat it. I lost 7 pounds while on finasteride but gained fat under my nips and stomach (I was working out 6 days a week at the time). Some men do experience this and it should be noted.


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If your uncomfortable with it..and or seeing side effects..drop it..period.


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Temples take no offense but you seem a bit obsessed with the jerking off thing.