f*** Social Anxiety! ive won the war!



I won the war on social anxiety...all without firing a single drug into my body...well ok...that'd be a lie, i tried beta blockers well over a year ago...didn't do sh*t for me..i was supposed to take 1 as needed and the effects would last supposedly for 8 hours...tried 5 within an hour...anyways needless to sya my supply of 30 pills diminished rapidly. Anyways after this...I fought and fought long...but what I knew within myself was that if I approached a social situation very rapidly and didn't allow myself to overanalyze, I deprived my anxiety the ability to kick in...well guys after working @ a grocery store for over 3 weeks...i've had all KINDS of girls approach me...my usual attack was slight blushing with adrenaline spikes...3 weeks later...its all over...I can contain my adrenaline levels...HELL im even dealing with 2 chicks @ once @ this point in my life...so really guys...tap into your mind...and don't let hairloss bug u...it really shouldnt..hell theres a 25 year old guy there...with AWFUL hair...and he was joking with us younger guys...basically his joke was to the effect that the place where he went on vacation, the native girls have a superstition if you eat out their pussy the vagina juice has protein to regrow your hair lol we were all on the floor laughing, he himself said, well I wanted to try and fill in my bald spots...Guys let this be a lesson to you all, dont be pussies and dont let hairloss affect your life. Seriously, after stressing so much...the only thing time I care about it is when im appying my regimen...the rest of my day is spent enjoying life.


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Great Post. Keep inspiring!


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Good to hear Moose, its amazing how sometimes we brew up problems in our own mind and this is reflected in all of our day to day activities.

I know of one guy at my work who is about 25 and going bald, and he jokes about it all the time, and i really do think it doesn't bother him on the slightest, yet he is still confident and so outgoing that everyone loves him.


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great post. quite inspiring. just after i have read a string of depressing posts too!


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now we just have to convince women that swallowing sperm helps you lose weight, quit smoking and makes your breasts expand.


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glad to hear man...as a fellow anxiety sufferer, im with you in overcoming this bastard. If you are strong enough mentally, you truly can overcome this disorder. i know i have, even if i get occasional symptoms every now and again


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Me too. I solved my problem 2 years ago. and Let me say it straight: baldness is nothing compared to sufferness caused by social anxiety.

even if i get occasional symptoms every now and again
Me too :) but I usually I think this is positive behavior and I see it's received very well from my friends and colleagues. for example, when you make a mistake, blushing will be the best apologize you can offer and it will save you blaming from your friends and colleagues.


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If you are white or oriental man in this country, you are surrounded by women of your own kind. You really have no excuse, besides this social anxiety business. Try being a colored man in a very small ethnic group. in this country. Try being marginalized and overlooked and ignored only because of your ethnic background. All of this approaching women b.s., only works if you are a white (and now asian) in this country, because you have a chance of being accepted by them. Unfortunately "them" consistitutes 85% of the population where I live.

The Gardener

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The Moose, that is one of the best posts I have EVER read here.

Thanks for sharing that.


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hairhaircomeagain said:
cant agree with you more dark_one...Colored are just not accepted..

Colored MEN are not accepted, but our sisters (women of color) are just fine .... I wonder why..... and are accepted by society as a whole. Suddenly they are considered "exotic" and all of that b.s. But it takes two (at least) to play tennis, and I don't blame the white men.


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dark_one said:
hairhaircomeagain said:
cant agree with you more dark_one...Colored are just not accepted..

Colored MEN are not accepted, but our sisters (women of color) are just fine .... I wonder why..... and are accepted by society as a whole. Suddenly they are considered "exotic" and all of that b.s. But it takes two (at least) to play tennis, and I don't blame the white men.

Agreed once more....I think this is because guys are not much choosy when it comes to color as much as the gals are. We are looking for different things. Guys are attracted to a nice body..you know nice tits and *** and all that stuff....
Women need more than a good body to get attracted...Genes and all that sh*t. Brown color indicates a different gene for them..


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This thread has gotten off-topic, but Haircomeagain, judging by your photos, are you of South Asian origin by any chance? I am, but am fairly light-skinned for one, but have tanned a lot. Our female population in the U.S. is so small (and so many genetic variations) compared to East Asians and whites (of course), that it can be frustrating trying to find quality females in my own ethnic group, which is what I desire. If my hairloss gets noticeable, my chances may become nil.

hairhaircomeagain said:
dark_one said:
hairhaircomeagain said:
cant agree with you more dark_one...Colored are just not accepted..

Colored MEN are not accepted, but our sisters (women of color) are just fine .... I wonder why..... and are accepted by society as a whole. Suddenly they are considered "exotic" and all of that b.s. But it takes two (at least) to play tennis, and I don't blame the white men.

Agreed once more....I think this is because guys are not much choosy when it comes to color as much as the gals are. We are looking for different things. Guys are attracted to a nice body..you know nice tits and *** and all that stuff....
Women need more than a good body to get attracted...Genes and all that $#iT. Brown color indicates a different gene for them..


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what nationality are you darkone?


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ronaldkia said:
what nationality are you darkone?

I am of East Indian descent. Unfortunately caucasian genes have obviously mixed into the South Asian gene pool from the west thousands of years ago - leading to hair loss being a problem among Indians just like for Europeans and Middle Easterners. I wish I was a true asian and I wouldn't have this problem.


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dark_one said:
ronaldkia said:
what nationality are you darkone?

I am of East Indian descent. Unfortunately caucasian genes have obviously mixed into the South Asian gene pool from the west thousands of years ago - leading to hair loss being a problem among Indians just like for Europeans and Middle Easterners. I wish I was a true asian and I wouldn't have this problem.

Don't kid yourself, I've never seen a race that does not suffer from hair loss.


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Hey dark_one, if you're having a hard time finding dates cuz you're east indian, you should come live in my town (east end of Toronto).....

My neighbourhood is roughly 50% east indian and I really feel like an outcast in the university I attend cuz everyone is either chinese or east indian.... And trust me, I see a lot of balding indian dudes with hot indian women so you should have no problems finding a good looking date.

So it's kinda funny seeing a brown guy complain about not finding dates cuz most indian women here date only indians guys exclusively, and there are times when I meet a nice attractive brown girl and think to myself, "damn, I wish I were indian"...


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kalbo said:
Hey dark_one, if you're having a hard time finding dates cuz you're east indian, you should come live in my town (east end of Toronto).....

My neighbourhood is roughly 50% east indian and I really feel like an outcast in the university I attend cuz everyone is either chinese or east indian.... And trust me, I see a lot of balding indian dudes with hot indian women so you should have no problems finding a good looking date.

So it's kinda funny seeing a brown guy complain about not finding dates cuz most indian women here date only indians guys exclusively, and there are times when I meet a nice attractive brown girl and think to myself, "damn, I wish I were indian"...

Well, I perfectly understand your situation, and I am glad that indian girls don't sell out like east asian ones do. To be fair, I have had to turn away some white and asian girls, because my conservative culture won't allow it. There are indian girls around me but they are few and far between and tend to be vomit-inducing ugly. I would rather get drunk than do anything with those beasts...... it would be the same end result.