Facial hair: does it scream insecurity?


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Does facial hair make a bald/balding man look insecure? I usually have a little stubble as I can't be bothered to shave every day, but I've decided to try some other styles. Right now I have a balbo:


It's nice to have some kind of hair style, even if it is a facial one. But does facial hair make a bald/balding man look like he is compensating?

Nashville Hairline

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I suppose it does draw attention away from the hairline (same as a pair of glasses would) but I dont think people really analyse things like that too much.


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I don't think so, not so much....depends how much it suits. It suits you so no, in your case.


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Some guys look better with facial hair.
It's just a way of maximizing your appearance.
I don't see it as any different than women wearing high heels, wonderbras, and makeup.
That's my opinion, anyway.


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It's a personal taste...

I think I look better with a bit of a stubble. My girl prefers me with a stubble as well.

Some girls like it, some don't...


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I don't think so at all. I don't even think most people consider it a way to draw attention away from balding. If a guy has facial hair I just assume he likes having facial hair. I think it's a good idea.


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IMO i think the mustache/goatee thing isnt really the best look for you
it's your call

if you can
i think a full stubble beard would look much better
it would make you look tuff rugged and manly
if your going for facial hair look

to answer your question, no facial hair does not scream insecurity


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I don't think facial hair makes a man who is balding look insecure. When I see a man who is losing his hair with some facial hair, I feel that he is sporting facial hair because he feels that it adds to his appearance.

I don't see the facial hair as a way to draw attention away from the fact that he is balding.
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Lol, only Larry David is enough of a baldness Nazi to claim that facial hair makes a bald man seem insecure, and thus they shouldn't do it. It's often a good look, hell, I can't even grow a beard and am going bald, consider yourself lucky (well luckier than me) and give it a try!


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I see plenty of guys who have opted for the slick look but didn't grow any facial hair afterwards.
On the other hand, I also know guys who never once grew a moustache or beard until after they decided to shave their domes. Myself, I've had a neatly trimmed moustache and goatee for over twenty years now, so shaving my head had nothing to do with it.
So yeah, I think it's fair to say that some guys do feel some need to grow facial hair after shaving their heads slick. I don't know if "insecure" is the right word for their motivations, though. Maybe they feel that since they're sporting a new look, they might as well take it to an extreme.
The bottom line is, who cares?
We all have the right to do whatever we think is necessary to maximize our appearance.


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I have to disagree with the majority here and say that it does scream insecurity. Goatees and the like anyway, light stubble is fine. It can look like you're trying to prove something.

"I may be balding but look I can still grow a beard!"

Only slightly less sad looking than a combover imo - no offence intended to anyone.


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Growing facial hair after shaving your head might be a sign of insecurity on the part of some men, but it's not fair to make a blanket about it. This idea that a guy might grow a beard just to prove they can still do so despite losing the hair on their head seems more than a bit goofy.