family tree


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The most important question is waiting to be solved . just look for the true DNA similarity from your family tree and match it your hair type, shape, colour , etc. ??could be connected with hairloss type??(norwood class)

for example ;
i have a straight/wavy hair most likely to my mom's dad when its combed left my hair looks like my granddad's hair-its taken 50 years before- old photo.. hairline etc is possible same as him .

so i see alot of guy around me, they have their granddad's hair or maternal uncles. a little part of them most like their father's.

if we could find out our hair type from our familytree we can posibble guess who we most likely to hair-loss.

what are you guys thinking?

Autumn Sundown

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I've heard that it really doesn't matter who's hair type you have and that you can inherit one person's hair type, and someone else's hairloss patterns.
However, I know two sets of brothers who both have hairloss in their families. In both cases the brother who inherited their hair type from the part of the family without hairloss, they never lost their hair. The brother that inherited the hairtype of the part of his family that did have male pattern baldness, lost the same amount of hair as the person they got their hair type from.
I'm sure it doesn't hold true in all cases, but I can think of at least 2 examples where it has.

Now that I think about it, it was the same case with my uncle. His father had thick, wavey hair, but my uncle had thin curly hair like his mothers side. He lost his hair like his mothers side usually does.


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My out of my (quite extensive) family my father and my mother's father are the only ones who have lost their hair, my mothers father lost it in his 30s and my father lost in his early 20s ( as I am now ). My father got married at 24 ( my age) and I can see a severely receding hairline in his wedding photos while my hairline is fine but i am thinning dramatically all over.
Based on this im guessing the type of hairloss is not as dependent on genes as the time when it occurs.
Any different experiences? Ideas?

( ps my father was totally bals within a couple of years, not really looking forward to that fate)


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face & total looking maybe a conclusion over here.
most around us, they usually prophet about our future looking;
"you are looking just like your dad." or "you are your mom's son!" etc.
*if im most look like my dad(total shape of face, lookings...) then am i be bald or not just like him?
*if im most like my mom then will i be bald or not just like my grandfather?
*our skull shape likeness can take an advatage or disadvantage on male pattern baldness?