Farjo or Dr Rogers


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Hi All

I have had 3 hairtransplants with Dr Feller, but after loosing existing hair, i'm still having to use those dreaded concealers

anyway, I have enough doner for a 1,500 strip and then around 2000 grafts via fue

i feel 2,500 will fullfill my desires and density

anyway, I have been in touch with Dr Rogers, however, needed to e-mail him a few questions, after e-mailing his secretary several times, in the space of 2 weeks, he has not answered my questions

I'm thinking, if the guy can't reply to an e-mail now, what will his professionalism be like after surgery?

I booked a consultation with Farjo, but wont be able to see him until March next year as that is when he is available....

the reason i'm wanting to stick to a uk surgeon is due to travel constraints this time round...

obviously will need to post pictures up, but will do soon

at the moment, I would like people's advise on who to go with, bearig in mind it's for scar revision first and then strip, NOT FUE

kind regards


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March next year? Oh, the power of advertising....Well I don't think I want to wait that long.

Would be good to see some before and after shots of guys who have used both of these UK guys, the only ones who are spoken of. Don't mean the before and afters on their sites but real people on these forums.


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Is Belgian renowned for good guys then, what's the deal there then, On a par with the States do you think?