Farrel Hair and general advise for hair pieces


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Hello, i am new to the forums but have lurked for a while, I just wanted peoples opinions on farrel hair and also peoples opinions on what i should do, I saw his website thinking it was the best, so i got a consultation with richard himself, i have paid half of the money now, and in 2 months i will get my new hairsystem and pay the other half.

the price is about the same as other systems, what he does is gives you 2 systems, then after 9 months you send one back to get repaired and wear the other, it costs about £1K a year for this, which is not much diffferent to "other" systems price wise at the end of the day, but the method is different in that you send it for repair and spend more on the system itself, but works out similar price at the end of the day.

my question is, is that is farrel that much different to other places? isn't just full lace human hair exactly like Hair Direct offers, he mentions in videos on his site that no other system fully exposes hairlines like his.

anyway I am now going to get a parkwoods consultation, a place in birmingham which i believe orders in traditional hair systems that you throw away after 3-6 months like hair direct, cool piece and all the other normal places, they charge £450 for full cap of remy human hair and offer full lace or skin based and basically everything that internet shops offer but with himself drawing a template and giving advice and such, he will have in store examples, the price seems really great as well.

also the reason i am going to parkwoods is that they do a measurement of my head and to have someone to talk with that offers human hair in lace or skin systems and seems to offer everything else that Hair direct offers (i believe they charge £400 for full cap) but with someone that will draw my hairline etc.

also to note im looking for the best looking system irrespective of price and how long it lasts, I really like Hair Directs website as it compares all bases in this link

http://www.hairdirect.com/hair/systems/ ... tings.aspx

and the HD24 Total High Definition looks to be the best, i plan to wear it with the strongest tape/adhesive, and if it breaks even after 2 months that is fine, as long as it's as good looking as it can be.

i also have a custom hairpiece which is total crap, a super dense cyberhair one with no hairline, at least with this i can send hair direct my template.

I think it might be best to go to parkwoods to get a piece made with a new template as i want a better template as the last guy didn't make a good job with the cyberhair template (side lines too straight and bit around ears too far out).

thank you very much in advance for all your help and advise you can offer me on farrel hair, I think i will pop on the Hair Replacement forums for other answers as well, but thanks for your time.


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He wouldn't be my choice,Farrell, as he is vastly overpriced.
Unfortuanatly you have already payed half of the money so you will just have to ride the waves for now!
You won't or shouldn't get a bad system from him but do not be fooled by the sales talk about the system lasting years and forget about the costly repair jobs!
You are correct in your assesment that he offers nothing different from any other hair replacement company,same lace and same hair.
Have a look around at the various other on line companies,there are plenty out there,and check their prices out!
Even HairDirect is expensive for what you get.
A few companies i would also recommend are Toplace,Easypiece,Coolpiece and DirectHair(not to be confused with Hair Direct!)
As i have said,by all means wear his systems that you get but don't enter into any further agreements with him or any other company that charges over £500 for a system!
And $500 is a lot of money for what you get,belive me on that one.
Use this as experience and get used to what they are like and above all learn how to attach and detatch yourself,it is very easy to do!
An idea might be to send his piece to another company and get them to replicate the piece for you.That is if the specifications and colour are spot on!!
Honestly shop elsewhere in futeure and do not be allowed to be taken in by Farrells sales and marketing blurb,and they are good at that,in fact probably the best at that!!!LOL!!
Welcome to the world of hair wearing!!


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Yeah i tried to cancel they said it couldn't happen, but they did say they could "hold" the pieces for longer so I could pay the other half much later when i pick it up.

well at least i know in the future to avoid the clubs!

i have searched on Toplace, Easypiece, Coolpiece and Hair direct.

on easy piece they offered two prices, one with money back garuntee and one without, i think toplace does not offer money back garuntee, unsure on coolpiece, i think overall Hair Direct is the best place money wise as it has 100% money back gauntee or a return if its teh wrong colour or density, i love there forum and high qaulity videos, and i have heard of people saying that very often these places such as toplace have bad qaulity control and end up with the wrong shade/density, so it's best to go with someone that you can return and get the right one with.

so overall Hair direct 2 systems costing £300 each sounds good to ultiamtely use in the future, but I'll keep checking the others as well as BA hair replacement etc.