Fasting after hair transplant?


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Maybe some of you know, that fasting can cure a lot of different symptoms, as in my case hopefully allergies.
Do you think it's a bad ideo starting to fast five days after a hair transplant? I would just do it for 4 days, because I don't want to loose too much weight.
During these 4 days I would drink a lot of fresh pressed juices.

Do you think it's harmfully for the new grafts?

edit: i thougt about doing it now because I'm at home this week anyway and without eating it would be hard to do my work.


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worship, and lather the grafts with baby soap, and misted water during the first 1-10 ten days.

Bathe them in vitamin E oil during the first 1-10 also

pray for grafts in 10-12 weeks.


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vitamin e oil for what?

and what about fasting from day 5 after the Hair transplant til day 9? no food, just fresh juices, like I said.


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Follow your doctor's recommendation on when to start shampooing. Also, I have never heard any doctor recommend putting Vitamin E oil on the grafts.

As far as fasting, it might not harm anything, but I don't think you should take any chances. Protein is an essential nutrient, and so are fats. I would eat a healthy diet while healing, the fact is that you will have plenty of time to fast later. However, you only get one chance to heal up correctly after your hair transplant, so it would be foolish (in my opinion) to do anything that puts your precious grafts at risk. You need to understand that all your grafts are important, you only have a limited amount of donor hair, and you can't afford to waste any of it. Fast later. If it's too stressful to fast during working hours, then it's also too stressful to fast while you are healing from your hair transplant. It's not like going to the barber, it's surgery, and the serious nature of the procedure should be respected.


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Follow your doctor's recommendation on when to start shampooing. Also, I have never heard any doctor recommend putting Vitamin E oil on the grafts.

As far as fasting, it might not harm anything, but I don't think you should take any chances. Protein is an essential nutrient, and so are fats. I would eat a healthy diet while healing, the fact is that you will have plenty of time to fast later. However, you only get one chance to heal up correctly after your hair transplant, so it would be foolish (in my opinion) to do anything that puts your precious grafts at risk. You need to understand that all your grafts are important, you only have a limited amount of donor hair, and you can't afford to waste any of it. Fast later. If it's too stressful to fast during working hours, then it's also too stressful to fast while you are healing from your hair transplant. It's not like going to the barber, it's surgery, and the serious nature of the procedure should be respected.

yeah, you Are right. I will wait!


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Intoleranz1 any update in fast? I'm 21 days out on FUT and I'm feeling pretty good but want to do a 21 day fast.

Any opinions? Would not the grafted hair be permanently in place no and since the rest of body would feed off stored fat wouldn't this supply nutrients to the normal growing of hair?