Fasting and reintroducing certain foods...


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I have been researching hair loss intensely for the last year, as my hairline has been receding, thinning and regrowing unpigmented all over my head. I have understood a few common things that make my hair loss slighly better or worse, I have changed my diet and life style regiem a lot in the last couple of months, but hitting the final point of "it definatly now looks like male pattern baldness is taking shape... I AM NOT GOING FU*KING BALD!... and if am, i'm gonna put up a decent fight against it! I have a strong dedication/addiction to things that I put my mind to and know this will help in my fight... Thats plan A...

I'm going to go on a 4 day water fast with exercise, then after introduce a differnt food into my diet every day, eg... raw broccoli, next day avocado, then flax seeds and on...

I was wondering if anybody has done this sort of thing before?
If you have any ideas or suggestions?


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nice idea ...

the problem here though is that the hair regrowth takes a long time to notice, so you wont know what is making what work

how about instead of starting all over again removing sh*t from your diet and adding stuff you dont have ?

Do you eat enough protien ?

High protein , high healthy carbs , low fat... thats the best diet there is. no specific change up the carbs.. i.e fruit veg etc. get your ratios right though and dont add sugar or salt when u dont need to. Also i would recommend supplementing vitamin D-3 and Vit-B-6 along with normal multivit


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I understand it could be a long time till regrowth, thats why I am focusing on how much hair I lose/shed... I have came across a few topics where people have found a very strick diet to the individual, eg... a lot of protien, little veg and no fruit has compleatly stopped thier hair loss, But instead of finding types of foods, I'm going to find the actual foods that increase my loss, by eating on food a day! and stick to keeping the good foods in my diet...

I have removed all junk foods and avoided/cut down on saturated fat and sugars...

I eat enough protien, but have read a lot into cutting out some sources like red meat and others high in fat...


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what you propose to do is not going to stop Androgenetic Alopecia. you will be healthier though.


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If I cant stop my hair loss in 6 months i'm gonna have my whole head tattooed, but I do have a hope as I have came across posts of people that have fasted and temperally stopped thier hair loss and found food catagories that cause the loss, but not indiviual foods...


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Stay away from processed foods, make sure you cleans your body regularly (there are some excellent programs for that) to make sure your body is able to absorb all nutrients. That's going to do you good anyway. I doubt that a healthy diet will stop your male pattern baldness though... your body will produce its DHT because it's part of a healthy hormonal balance. You need it for various things including sex drive. The fact that the hair follicles react to sensitive to it is not DHT's fault and cannot be solved with a diet. My 2 Cents :)


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Don't kid yourself. Diet doesn't cause male pattern baldness. Even if it did contribute to it by some obscure mechanism nobody has figured out yet there is no way you're going to stumble across a cause via this kind of experimentation.

If you actually want to stop it, consider serious treatments.

Fasting is never ever a good idea.


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Anyone with a brain in their head.

The body needs nutrients. It's hardly rocket-science.

Try googling 'fasting dangerous'.


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Right but it's hardly likely this moron was going to do alternate day fasting.

I'm very interested in those guys who are doing calorie restriction and expecting to live to 140 but fact is the average internet douchebag should not be starving themselves.

Besides the fact diet has nothing to do with male pattern baldness. Eat food.

The Natural

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hairhoper, your liberal use of generalizations as they pertain to fasting and diet is obnoxious, if not, just down right ignorant.

A poor diet will accelerate hair loss in those genetically susceptible.

Eat healthy food in moderation.


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Hairhoper - Wow.. by all means disagree but don't call him a moron just because you disagree.

FATE? - Sorry to hear it's been tough man, I know what it's like. Fasting has I believe shown positive results for hair loss, but ask me and I'll just go bleating on about Candida, IBS and dandruff again lol

Which may or may not help you I dunno o_O

Good luck though dude! :)


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I didn't call The Natural a moron, just referred to the OP as that.

His first choice is diet changes and his second choice is a scalp tattoo. Sorry that doesn't indicate someone with their head screwed on to me.

If you really think you can single-handedly outsmart science and stop hairloss by diet alterations then you are a deluded moron.

Blunt, rude, obnoxious I don't care. People with these kinds of ridiculous ideas need to wake up and face facts.


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hairhoper said:
I didn't call The Natural a moron, just referred to the OP as that.

His first choice is diet changes and his second choice is a scalp tattoo. Sorry that doesn't indicate someone with their head screwed on to me.

If you really think you can single-handedly outsmart science and stop hairloss by diet alterations then you are a deluded moron.

Blunt, rude, obnoxious I don't care. People with these kinds of ridiculous ideas need to wake up and face facts.

Our views on this are clearly spectacularly different and you don't seem to be the kind of person who is open-minded enough to consider other points of view on this anyway, so I'm not going to try! :)


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Sigh. Typical hippie argument.

Open-minded does not mean 'accepts any old bollocks'.

I don't believe in Santa Claus either that does not make me close-minded.

The Natural

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Do love it when the drug addicts troll around the "Experimental Treatments, Vitamins & Supplements" section...


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The Natural said:
Do love it when the drug addicts troll around the "Experimental Treatments, Vitamins & Supplements" section...

haha yeah :)

And then wonder why we're all talking about experimental treatments, vitamins and supplements!


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It's one thing to take vitamins and supplements to try to improve the quality of the hair you have.

It's another to claim that fasting and changing your diet is actually going to stop Androgenetic Alopecia, which is what this thread is about.


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hairhoper said:
It's one thing to take vitamins and supplements to try to improve the quality of the hair you have.

It's another to claim that fasting and changing your diet is actually going to stop Androgenetic Alopecia, which is what this thread is about.

My best guess as to why people have claimed fasting halted their male pattern baldness is because it will give the digestive system room to recover. Candida gets no more fuel, and it gets some space to normalize. I have never tried it to know if it works though - I tend to focus on antifungals and dietary changes, although I think my diet still needs some work if I want to control candida.