FE and KT h-NMRs - experts advise please


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Here are the RU hNMRs that a guy on HLH had tested at a lab at his University a year ago or so. I dont thinks these hNMRs are publically availble, only to those who contributed $$$ to the testing, but I am sure he wouldnt mind me posting these now now. I am very grateful that he went to all the effort of testing it (no he wont do it again or for CB because of the lack of people who said that they would contribute and then pulled out when they had to pay).

The chemist who did it said that both hNMRs were the same. That doesnt proof it's RU, but it's a good indication. I mean what are the chances that both FE and KT come up with the same stuff which isnt RU (unles they work together, which I dont believe). Can the experts have a look at it and let us know what they think? Is it the same stuff? Does anyone have an original hNMR of RU58841 from Rousel Uclaf or was it in any publications? so that we can compare it? Probably not, but worth asking.



KT (Kane) hNMR:


The peak just at around 5 is due to the solvent (methanol) I was told. Despite the fact that some here say that FE's RU is less pure based on this, it was never tested for purity. We could do that if people are interested.

Are these hNMRs the same?


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I'm suprised noone is interested in this. Innermind, would appreciate your opinion, thanks a lot!