I take finasteride every three days and sometimes I might get to four days and I feel slightly better.
However, during these hard and dire times it is really hard to narrow it down. Sure, I could blame it on the pill but I don't know yet or I am just being naive since it has slightly worked for me.
My plan and suggestion to you is to get proper medical advice not on finasteride but on the body. I plan on seeing my doctor for a full physical and a naturopath doctor (all covered) and seeing if I can fix any imbalances there.
For me it is a slight headache or perhaps that brain fog that is mentioned here. Some days are good some are bad. Recently it has been more and more bothersome - Again it could be due to being cooped up in my house all day, less fresh air, stress, depression from life, etc.
It's really hard to narrow it down. Professionals can guide you better and I think that's what you need.