Feeling terrible again!



Sry, more whining from my side, but I just have to get this off my chest. I think in the last weeks I have reached the point where I can´t hide it anymore. I feel so shitty. I have stepped to a whole new level of hairloss. Soon I will have my first balding comment. :cry: I can still hide my insanely huge forehead by combing it forward but there is no more chance for the crown. A fully developed bald spot can´t be hidden. I feel so inferior, someone should just kill me, wouldn´t bother me. Just do it fast and painless. Life seems to make no more sense. I have developed fine muscles during the last months. But not in 1000 years can muscles compensate hair.



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Taugenichts said:
Soon I will have my first balding comment. :cry:

I got comments like that at 16 :roll: , a 25yr old with hairloss is hardly a freak.

Taug said:
A fully developed bald spot can´t be hidden.

Please refer to Norwood scale, level 6 and above is a fully developed bald spot.

Taug said:
I feel so inferior, someone should just kill me. :cry

I'm beginning to agree you are inferior. YOU NOT YOUR HAIR>


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Can all the self-pitying nonsense for God's sake, Taug. Something like a quarter of men will have hair loss by their mid-20s. You aren't unusual at all. And you haven't even had a "balding comment" yet :-x Jeez! You are doing all you can, now quit being a Negative Nancy, take your Avodart like a good little boy and hang on in there for the next generation of treatments from Intercytex, Androscience, Pfizer, Bristol Myers-Squibb et al.


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Taug is waiting to achieve Brad Pitt like perfection before he'll leave the house and get a life.


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I think it's pretty disgraceful at you're age to come on here and make posts like this when theres people in the world, much younger than yourself dying everyday because of povery or human conflict... :-x

I know hair loss can get everyone down but try and put it in perspective please and have alittle more sense because (no offense intended) you come across as a complete wanker in some of you're posts who is totally obsessive with anything and everything hair :!:

Get a grip



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And so the cycle continues; taug whines about his life, we tell him he's got so much (haha) to live for, we appease him for a day or two, he comes back saying the same sh*t again.

If he thinks this is therapeutic he needs help.


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Taug seems to be in a very deep depression. I don't think thats an easy thing to live with or that he has it that good.

Taug, I would try to take up some volunteer work at a hospital. It will make you feel better, trust me. Maybe look into counseling too.

Just stick with your treatments, and try to forget about your hair. (easier said than done, I know). I know how isolating hair loss can be, you just have to take it one day at a time. I know its hard.

Take care of yourself man.


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Hair loss is not "isolating". No one looks twice at a bloke with thinning hair as it is so common.

I dread to think what would happen to taug if he had, say, a major facial deformity.


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stampede said:
Hair loss is not "isolating". No one looks twice at a bloke with thinning hair as it is so common.

I dread to think what would happen to taug if he had, say, a major facial deformity.

If hair loss causes somebody severe anxiety, then it is just as isolating as a major facial deformity. If it doesn't cause the anxiety, then its not.

Every person is different. A golden standard can't be applied. Some people with major facial deformities live very happy lives and can deal with it. Others fall into deep depresssion and and feel isolated. With baldness, its no different.

If baldness wasn't serious, then kids with cancer wouldn't be wearing wigs. Why is it that some do and some don't? Some can deal with it, others can't. When dealing with such a life threatening and painful disease such as cancer, you would think a kid wouldn't even be affected by hair loss, but obviously this is not the case. It has a big impact with a lot of people, whether it be kids, grown women, or grown men.

With grown men, some are more sensitive to this issue then others, just like some men are gay, and some are not.

Taug is just venting. This is the Impact of Hairloss section. Its on a baldness forum. Thats what this section is designed for. Its not like he is visiting a holocaust survivor's message board or group and telling people there that he is suffering more than they have.


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Bald kids (who have lost their eyebrows and eyelashes as well as what's on top) are very unusual. Balding men are not.

We all like to whine about hair loss, I'm no exception, but it's one thing to say that hair loss sucks (which it does) and saying that you're going to kill yourself because of it.


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stampede said:
Bald kids (who have lost their eyebrows and eyelashes as well as what's on top) are very unusual. Balding men are not.

We all like to whine about hair loss, I'm no exception, but it's one thing to say that hair loss sucks (which it does) and saying that you're going to kill yourself because of it.

Your not seeing the point here, its how it affects HIM. Clearly he has issues that go way beyond hairloss. Not everyone reacts the same to hairloss.

It makes no difference if its common or not. It only matters how it affects the individual


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Taug, keep saving your money because the only people that will ever help you is a plastic surgeon and hair transplant surgeon like Armani. Unless you get your BDD under control not even plastic surgery or a hair transplant will help. Maybe a brain transplant might do the trick. Just make sure the donor was not as miserable as you. Sadly, you were blessed with one LARGE gift and unfortunately only Rosey Palms and her five sisters are the only ones that will ever get to enjoy it unless you don't even allow that either.


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He must understand that he's not a kid anymore. He's 25 and soon he'll have to be on his own.

He can vent about not having a girlfriend, being a virgin, nobody love him, etc. We all understand. Its the kind of things that we dont control. Hairloss is same thing. Though some try us to believe we have no fault of we're going bald.

But not able to study or working because of hairloss? No one will accept that excuse and he's doomed to be a failure.


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Whether or not you have a girlfriend or lose your virginity are definitely things that are partially within your control. It's all about attitude and making the effort to meet more people. Taug would rather sulk in his room. :roll:


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Taug, I am feeling terrible again too now that I found out Jayman got banned from this forum.


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His religious thread became offensive to some people on the forum. I was offended by the comments of Hair Today Gone Tomorrow and he was not even banned. And HTGT had major involvement in the conflict.


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They can't ban Jayman, he's an inspiration to us all :shock:
