Feelsbadman would still be in the same situation even if he was a fullhead


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One of the dumbest, yet most successful trolls I have seen in my time on the internet.

I recommend everyone reports him, he gets banned permanently, and hopefully he gets the help he needs in the real world.
It's like his become that self aware AI in those si fi movies, he knows he's a troll, he knows we know he's a troll. Some how this dude has made half the forum drop to his level and hes thriving.
Just look at what happened to Norwoody an some others

Isaac Newton

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It's like his become that self aware AI in those si fi movies, he knows he's a troll, he knows we know he's a troll. Some how this dude has made half the forum drop to his level and hes thriving.
Just look at what happened to Norwoody an some others
I wud agree if he was like a typical psychopath incel that takes zero criticism and is just a total a**h** and thinks if u aren't 9 feet tall 900 lbs of muscle ur incel but he isnt


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I wud agree if he was like a typical psychopath incel that takes zero criticism and is just a total a**h** and thinks if u aren't 9 feet tall 900 lbs of muscle ur incel but he isnt
He...absolutely is that. He takes zero criticism and just entertains endless mental gymnastics to justify his endless bloviation.


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I'm going to quit this forum today as it's not good for mental health, but I would recommend anyone else to do so before they get dragged into his propaganda and bullshit.

It was a place before to get some insights onto the bald man's experiences, and could have helped someone's decision on getting a transplant, using finasteride, things related to the actually purpose of this forum, not some bullshit incel ideology.

I would recommend though that anyone who continues to use this forum either puts feelsbadman on ignore or reports him and hopefully he will be banned, otherwise just quit.

Peace out.


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@Feelsbadman look what you did dude, literally helped someone move on from caring about hairloss. Your probably the first troll in history that helped someone.
Everyone will quit the forum eventually and it will because of you well done


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I'm going to quit this forum today as it's not good for mental health, but I would recommend anyone else to do so before they get dragged into his propaganda and bullshit.

It was a place before to get some insights onto the bald man's experiences, and could have helped someone's decision on getting a transplant, using finasteride, things related to the actually purpose of this forum, not some bullshit incel ideology.

I would recommend though that anyone who continues to use this forum either puts feelsbadman on ignore or reports him and hopefully he will be banned, otherwise just quit.

Peace out.
Please take me with you! I need to be saved too.