Feller vs Umar


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I had a hair transplant about 14 months ago with a famous Doctor in FL (who shall remain nameless) and the outcome was pathetic, my crown is worse than it was. The surprising thing is that where i did NOT have a transplant (front area and receding temples) I managed to maintain quite a bit due to use of RU and Fluridil and minoxidil. But few days ago i dared to point a mirror on my crown and god i was not expecting to have lost so much ground there, it s devastating ... and i look completely horrible when i shave my head.. so I need another hair transplant.

i am hesitating between Umar and Feller. Here are the advantages of each and i would appeciate if you could weigh in (many thanks):

Undeniably he s one of the top, creme de la creme, he takes pride in his work, not looking for a quick buck, i visited him a couple of times, and he is confident. I also trust him to do a good swirl which i think is most challenging for crown area. However I feel he is a bit of conservative.

The reason I am considering Umar is because I have an ungodly amount of body hair and thought i would be curious to blend in 20% or so of body hair in the mix... not sure how would this look like. I don t like the BHT look ( pubish look)... but i am open to mixing 1/5 to 1/3 maximum. he is also known to use nape area which is also an area where i have a lot of hair too. no history of receding neck in my family. But I am not sure how good Umar is generally in getting a nice crown area with the swirl and all... i know he is famous for being top BHT but how is his FUE in general, particularly crown ? not sure.

would you guys enlighten me a bit



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dudemon said:
That sucks about your hair transplant man. I too am considering both Feller and Umar for my next hair transplant. You are lucky you have a lot of BH. But you should realize that it is normally only used as a "last resort" because it tends to be a different type of hair than head hair. IMO, BH looks a little odd, unless you plan on wearing it very short all the time. (like buzzcut short)

And BHT is more expensive than FUE.


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My point precisely. I meant that I dislike BHT but feel forced to so was considering maybe a 20% ratio of BHT blended in with hair .. what do you guys think... I don t plan to wear my hair short my hair is the kind that such cut doesn t work for me

IS ANY OF THEM USING ACELL ? i heard some hair transplant docs are starting to use it as it doesn t hurt and it oculd help.. do you know iuf feller or Umar are using it..

also nobody told me about Umar.. leaving aside BHT, is Umar a top Doctor trusted for crown work ?



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I think/thought there was a posting of all of the top-end/respected hair transplant docs, at least in the US, floating around somewhere.

i think a hair transplant is something you shouldn't limit yourself to your geographic area


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I hate it when people come on this forum and say they had a bad hair transplant, but won't name the doctor, thanks, that's really useful for future posters looking for guidance to stay away from bad doctors, way to go!

Is it FEAR of being sued?


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thanks for links
anyone done a mix BHT and Head hair and had good blending ?


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Marina Pizarro of Orlando, FL is a hair restoration doctor that was found to be a deadbeat doctor whom defaulted on over $200,000 worth of student loans. Her story was featured on Inside Edition and her mediocre work has been the topic of many hair loss forum complaints. Here is the link to her deadbeat doctor story from inside edition:


Inside Edition Reports Marina Pizarro as a Deadbeat Doctor in Orlando, FL