I've heard of doctors giving people a shot in the eyebrow to grow hair back, but I don't know what the condition was for. you're best bet would be to search the net for shots doctors give, and find a doctor who has heard of it and knows when they are supposed to be used. minoxidil would help a small amount at least, but I don't think it is the primary treatment. I read that women don't get parafollicular fibrosis (scaring of the follicles) like men do. The follicles shrink to vellus hairs, rather than dying, and therefore can be treated with minoxidil with much bettter response rates than men get. However, a Doctor may have to fix the underlying problem first. Normally, stress loss does not last more than a year after the source of the stress is removed. Stress meaning injury or surgery or some other physiological stress, not emotional stress.
THis site has a women's section. I'm sure people there will know more. on this part of the site, bryan might know the answer.