female baldness idea...


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transgenders going bald. Old women going bald. Old women having less estradiol and more oestrogen suggests the estradiol is the good stuff.

I think women inherrit the same androgen receptors as men. Those androgen receptors get worse every year, just like men's. But the hormones are too strong, and save the women's hair.

I've seen lots of 20 year old women with thinning or high temples. Very common. Does not look too bad at all. But I see it.

As women get older though, they make more testosterone, more ostrogen, and less estradiol. Maybe the testosterone is the only factor that matters here. I don't even think the serum estrogen levels matter. It is the estrogen made in the follicle that matters, and we don't know how those levels change. We just assume less is made since that is true of serum levels.

Anyway, my point is, maybe topical estradiol is good? Some people on here say there are conflicting study results.


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Feel free to start a study on a group of women, and let me know how it goes! :D You find something that helps us women of all ages and you will be a huge hero! :D


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now I just remembered the strongest point of my theory!

Men bald in a male pattern. That is, starting at the temples and vertex and working in.

Women tend to bald all over evenly, if they are old, or just in the temples, if they are young.

This is very obviously because the androgen receptors have already gone to NW7 by old age, just like their brother's hair. But there is not enough testosterone/DHT to activate them. But when when menopause changes that, you see the women go NW7 all at once, instead of going through all the earlier stages. Look at the 20 year olds with receeded temples. They are out there. Lots of them. It just does not look that bad.

And the cure is here for them. It is called topical Eucapil, or topical finasteride, or other similar topicals. Since women have so little DHT, they might need what little they have, perhaps, so I don't know if an internal is good for them. However, the main reason doctors don't prescribe a lot of good meds to women is just because if the woman gets pregnant, the med could hurt the fetus. And in the US, the chance of a fetus's safety is far more important than an adult woman's.