Fenugreek Seeds For Hair Thining & Bald Patches


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This DIY hair mask is not just great for hair thinning and bald patches but also helps in controlling dandruff and premature graying of hair. It also makes your hair grow fast. Try it for at least 3 months in order to see results :)


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I've said it before and I'll say it again - Jesus F*cking Christ


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Yeah recent studies have shown that it reduces DHT.


Only person I ever heard that used it said he lost his libido completely after 2 months so stopped (and is fine now).


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I don't see the advantage of using a herbal supplement that reduces DHT when you can use finasteride which does the same thing.

You would need evidence, imo, that the herb is somehow better, for example if it's less effective at reducing DHT, or if it doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier.


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Yeah there's not enough studies on it to warrant it a better choice than finasteride.

There are herbal supplements (Saw Palmetto) with plenty of studies which blocks less DHT to finasteride making it a viable choice for people who experience sides on finasteride though.


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Yeah there's not enough studies on it to warrant it a better choice than finasteride.

There are herbal supplements (Saw Palmetto) with plenty of studies which blocks less DHT to finasteride making it a viable choice for people who experience sides on finasteride though.
Very high?
Examine.com reports mixed results at best:

IMy lotion contains it among other more than 20 products
What's your lotion?


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I am simply tired of this. EVERY SINGLE THING IN THE WORLD is GOOD FOR YOUR HAIR apparently. Google it. There are like three hundred thousand supplements that have show "increased hair counts" in studies. bullsh*t. it's all bullsh*t.


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The liposterolic extract of saw palmetto (200mg of 85-95% liposterolic content) paired with 50mg β-sitosterol and some B-vitamins (Biotin at 100mcg and niacin at 15mg) in 10 otherwise healthy men with androgenic alopecia over the course of 18-24.7 weeks found that 60% of the subjects had their hair improved (blinded investigator-assessed) compared to one subject in placebo although no objective measurements were taken.[39] A later study assessing usage of 320mg saw palmetto over the course of two years in otherwise healthy men with male pattern baldness noted that 38% of subjects treated with saw palmetto reported an increase in hair growth which performed less effectively than 1mg finasteride (66%);

From examine.com, their conclusion.

Dihydrotestoterone (DHT), produce by two isozymes of 5α-reductase, is known to play a role in male pattern baldness. Since saw palmetto inhibits both isozymes, it has been studied in humans and seems to be somewhat effective based on limited evidence, but not as effective as finasteride.


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From examine.com, their conclusion.

I said mixed results. Read more of the page. There are other studies reporting no effect. It's not clear at all.

With that said, I'm leaning toward Saw Palmetto being a weak finasteride personally. That is because a lot of people get PFS off finasteride.


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Saw Palmetto is a weak finasteride. It's not inconclusive even on examine.com. What's inconclusive is if it's effective for BPH. And there are more recent studies not included.

Armando Jose

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What's your lotion?

To whom be interested:
This is my natural bet to mantaain hair

Ingredientes Locion Capilar Oropelum:

Ingredients Hair Tonic: Jojoba esters (pure and cold pressed Jojoba oil), Limanthes alba (Limanthes oil), Borago officinalis (Borage oil), Rosa moschata (Rose Hip oli), Oenothera biennis (Oenothera oil), Persea gratísima (Avocado oil), Serenoa serrulata (Sabal serrulata oil), Butyruspermun parkii (Karite oil), Rosmarinun officinalis (Rosmarinus oil), Lavandula officinalis (Lavender oil), Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea tree oil), Origanum vulgaris ( Origanum oil), Thymus vulgaris (Aceite de Tomillo), Laurus nobilis (Aceite de Laurel), Anthemis nobilis (Aceite de Manzanilla), Ocimun basilicum (Aceite de Albahaca), Salvia officinalis (Aceite de Salvia), Mentha piperita (Aceite de Menta), Foeniculum vulgare (Aceite de Hinojo), Citrus limonun (Aceite de Limón), Carum petroselinum (Aceite de Perejil), Eugenia caryophyllus (Aceite de Clavo).

* = recomended

Pure Jojoba Oil * Moreless 70-80%

Carrier olis: Moreless 7-15%, the sum of all CO’s

Borage oil *

Rose hip oil *

Oenothera oil

Avocado oil *

Essentials oils, no more than 5-6% The sum of alls EO’s

Serenoa repens oil

Butirospernum parkii butter

Rosmarinum officinalis oil *

Lavender oil *

Tea tree oil *

Origanum oil *

Thyme oil *

Bay oil

Chamomile oil

Basil oil

Sage oil *

Mint oil *

Fennel oil

Lemon oil

Parsley oil

Clove oil


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Saw Palmetto is a weak finasteride. It's not inconclusive even on examine.com. What's inconclusive is if it's effective for BPH. And there are more recent studies not included.

It's too bad that your excellent subsequent post is now lost.


Senior Member
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It's too bad that your excellent subsequent post is now lost.

Will create a thread with information I have saved a similar comment elsewhere.