Few Questions and Recommendations


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Hi there,

I have few questions regarding hair transplant.

I am 26 and I am using minoxidil. and nizoral. I am NW2 - NW3.
I tried finasteride. but I stopped, so I stayed with this treatment for approximately 3-4years.
I am now thinking to get hair transplant to restore my hairline. I want to stop using minoxidil. for a year to see how much worse my hairline will go. Is this idea good or not? I mean I do not want to my transplanted hair will be addicted to minoxidil. I heard also stories that after hair transplant some people start taking finasteride. and/or continue with minoxidil. I am now asking you how you prepared you for hair transplant? What you are doing/did after hair transplant? Do you think I should wait till 30s early 40s or 26-27 is o.k.? Maybe I romanticize hair transplant too much and believe that after I will be minoxidil. and hair-loss stress free.

Can anybody recommend me good hair transplant in UK,FR or Belgium.
Many thanks.




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Yes I am in EU. Well, they are all Norwood 4-5 while on mother`s side males don`t have hair loss at all. That Is why I am thinking to quite minoxidil to see how worse can be. Thanks for the doctors list any recommendation from UK ?