Dear All,
For the past few months I was using Propecia (1mg every other day) with a very good results, however two weeks ago had to stop as very strong side effects kicked off (everything stopped working... if you know what I mean). Now I m actively looking for an alternative DHT blocker but also hav a crucil question to ask:
- Do you know how long does it usually take for the sides to o away when you stop using this drug??? To be honest I'm freaking out...
For the past few months I was using Propecia (1mg every other day) with a very good results, however two weeks ago had to stop as very strong side effects kicked off (everything stopped working... if you know what I mean). Now I m actively looking for an alternative DHT blocker but also hav a crucil question to ask:
- Do you know how long does it usually take for the sides to o away when you stop using this drug??? To be honest I'm freaking out...