Finally started taking finasteride!


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Pics will be up soon. I'm actually on day change of course but I'm excited. I feel like at least I'm doing something.
Currently taking 1/6ths of proscar. Been on nizoral for about 2 months too. I figure I can always up my finasteride dosage and furthermore many have had the same results as 1 or 1.25 mg by using much smaller dosages. We'll see.

Good luck to all!

too bald too furious

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wheyface33 said:
Currently taking 1/6ths of proscar. Been on nizoral for about 2 months too. I figure I can always up my finasteride dosage and furthermore many have had the same results as 1 or 1.25 mg by using much smaller dosages. We'll see.

Good luck to all!

How do u manage to cut proscar into 1/6ths?


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nexus81 said:
wheyface33 said:
Currently taking 1/6ths of proscar. Been on nizoral for about 2 months too. I figure I can always up my finasteride dosage and furthermore many have had the same results as 1 or 1.25 mg by using much smaller dosages. We'll see.

Good luck to all!

How do u manage to cut proscar into 1/6ths?

try cutting it into 8ths!

How i do that is, cut it into 4, then cut each piece in half again...some crumbles, but i just take that with the smallest cut piece.

You need a surgical blade.


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Cutting it into 6ths isn't too hard. Cut it in half...then you just gotta kinda eyeball chopping the halves into 3 pieces as one side isn't the same shape as the other. I figure every time I'm getting between around .65 and 1 mg of the stuff so no worries, the difference of efficacy between .5 and 1 mg is minimal, as long as I'm getting in that range. I can always up my dosage too.

Anyone else feel like a god damn drug addict when cutting their pills? Sometimes I snort the powder that is shed off when cutting them...will that help grow hair? :hairy:

zurealguy, how has the 1/8ths been for you? how long have u been using it and what are your results so far?...just curious.


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Listen you people mickey mousing your pills and trying to convince yourselves that you're getting "at least 0.65mg"... hehehe.


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Deaner said:
Listen you people mickey mousing your pills and trying to convince yourselves that you're getting "at least 0.65mg"... hehehe.

I wasn't aware that mickey mouse was a verb...hmm...and I'm only worried about getting .5mg or above, 1/6ths are .83333 mg. .5 mg is 1/10th of the pill, so I can be pretty sure I can cut close enough.


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wheyface33 said:
Anyone else feel like a god damn drug addict when cutting their pills? Sometimes I snort the powder that is shed off when cutting them...will that help grow hair? :hairy:

zurealguy, how has the 1/8ths been for you? how long have u been using it and what are your results so far?...just curious.

I've only just started doin the 8ths thing ( 2 weeks)...I did it because of the whole 'less can be just as good' thing and I was getting major hormonal induced acne attacks, it seems to be going fine, and with topical ACCUTANE 'isotrex' things are slowly getting under control. Ive been on finasteride for about 5 months, and it's to early to say how it is going, but i will post 1 year results when that time comes. :)


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Ask you doctor about cutting up in 6 or 8 pieces. To make sure at that much it will help.


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ACT10Npack said:
Ask you doctor about cutting up in 6 or 8 pieces. To make sure at that much it will help.

The problem is that the average doctor knows less about hair loss treatment than most of the people on this board. In the clinical trials for propecia, the efficacy of .5mg and 1mg of finasteride was seen to have minimal difference. You can read the study somewhere on this site I can't remember where. Also, personal experiences on this board have proven such. But if I can have the same results as you I'd be fine with that, if I can just thicken back up the temple hairs that are still there, my hairline will be in pretty good shape. Good to see some positive results!