Finasterade Water weight

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Guys, I'm sure this has been beaten to death, but I am going on 2 weeks of Propecia, and I am starting to feel a bit of water weight. I work out constantly, and I'm very in tune to my body, I can definitely feel a bit of difference. My question is- does this go away, just an initial side, or will it be consistent like this throughout my use? I am aware that it is probably due to a raise in estraidol levels, I am considering using an ATD such as Rebound XT to try and combat it a bit. I am looking for thoughts, comments, or any advice, I will also be upping my cardio, my diet is extremely clean. Thanks for your input.


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Water retention is a minoxidil systemic absorption side.

I repeat:

Water retention is a minoxidil systemic absorption side.

and it is very serious. Discontinue minoxidil and see if it gets better. If you conclude it is minoxidil, try using the recommended dose on a completely dry scalp and see if you still get sides.
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Ok, that may be the problem, I am using minoxidil only at night, but at a slightly higher dose because I can only get in one application. What would your suggestion be, quit using minoxidil? If so, how long for the sides to subside, I am currently on a nizoral, propecia, minoxidil regimin. I appreciate your sagely advice!


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For how long have you been using minoxidil?
Do you apply it after shower?

If I were you I would discontinue it(so that I am certain that minoxidil is responsible) or at least stick to the recommended dosage and not apply minoxidil after shower to reduce chances of systemic absorption.
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I have been using minoxidil a bit longer, about a month, but actually, I can probably see a correlation there. I will discontinue, but don't want to halt any progress, although I doubt a month has done much and the propecia will be better long term.

So, if it is applied with a clean scalp, there is a bigger chance of systemic absorption? I am also using some rubber applicator from spencer forrest that is supposed to make it penetrate better.

Thanks again for your input, I really appreciate it.


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When the scalp is damp, it is more permeable.

Try lessening the quantity to 1ml max per application and applying on a dry scalp(not after shower). Just use your fingers to spread the solution evenly over the scalp, without pouring cats and dogs on. Little will go a long way.

That applicator can be a possible reason of overabsorption. Try not to scratch the scalp, just gently spread the solution over the area while it is completely dry.

In case you do choose to completely discontinue it, you wont even notice a shed. It is too early.

Best of luck.


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If you are blocking Test from converting to DHT via 5-AR with Propecia, you get higher serum Test levels. Aromatase converts Test to Estrogen. Estrogen causes water retention and gyno. This is probably a reason you are getting retention.

Solution: Arimidex. It will keep T between estrogen and DHT. If you work out, you should get better musculature, as well. It will cut water weight, keep serum T high, and GET YOUR DICK HARD AND YOUR MIND HORNY.

I keep pissing constantly and dropping water. I have been asking myself for days why, until I realized I just jumped back on arimidex.
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Will Nolvadex do the same thing? I am beginning to think it may be the Propecia that is the problem, I may consider lowering my dose, or try the nolva. Although, I don't want to be taking Nolva constantly. I workout hard, and can generally guage exactly what my body will do. After 2 weeks on this, I have definitely become softer/put on some body fat. I'm really stressed right now, my body is one thing I can always control! The pseudo gyno/ chest fat storage is worse than I've seen it in years as well. What the hell can I do, I want to grow some hair back, but if it's going to do this to my body, I can't take it....
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Should this subside in the next little while? I don't want to come off the finasteride, but I'm really freaking out about this weight gain! I think I'm going to cut down to .50 and see if that helps...


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I strongly suggest you avoid messing with your hormones any further by taking Arimidex, yet another hormone drug. We have no way of knowing if your water retention is due to Minoxidil or Rogaine. Assuming its the Propecia when youve admitted you're overdosing on the Rogaine is totally illogical. Rogaine has water retention as a listed systemic side effect.

If you seriously think its a gyno problem, be logical about it instead and get an estrogen blood test done. See if you're off the scales. If you are, then consider your options for handling estrogen. Not beforehand.

Do what SE Freak has suggested and apply the proper amount of Minoxidil and give it 3 to 6 weeks. It wouldn't hurt to make sure you're exercising and stopping the junk food. I can't count the number of guys who complain of weight gain on Propecia and seem to forget that their lifestyle is really the culprit.

SE Freak has established himself as a very wise poster here, and I would listen to his input.


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And why would minoxidil cause gyno? It's not a 5ar inhibitor. minoxidil is dose dependent, and people are using it at concentrations up to 15%. If you are using 5% taking a "LITTLE" extra at night shouldn't be too big a problem. I have encountered cases of retention and it seems concentrated in the facial tissue with minoxidil systemic absorption. If you are getting symptoms of Gyno and abdominal bloat, it's hormone related and is more likely linked to propecia, NOT minoxidil. Are you having heart issues?

People steer you away from meds like arimidex that have low sides, and tons of proven benefits, but you'll see people taking finasteride by the handful, which transcends any anti-e in the side-effects category by eons.

We need more research on managing the side effects of Propecia, because people are going to continue to take it, and the sides are far more prevalent than the drug co's claim. Unbearable sides like feminization and E.D.
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I appreciate your advice, but apparently you didn't read my posts. I am extremely active/maniacal on my workouts and diet. I can tell when my body gains even an ounce of fat, I am 5'9", 165, and 7.5% BF. I lift 5 days a week and do high intensity cardio 4 days a week.

My diet rarely strays, and consists of solely high quality protiens and carbs. I don't eat junk food, and haven't eaten fast food in several years. I am prone to fat deposit in my chest, and have noticed a major increase in either body fat or water in recent weeks, my body does not feel right, and composition seems completely off.

I have pubertal gyno in my left pec that is feeling worse than it has in years. So, I have stopped minoxidil 2 days ago to see if that is the problem, so far, no change, I'm assuming it is a response to the increased estraidol levels caused by the propecia.

Will this be permanent? I don't know, I am considering dropping my dose to .50 to ease into it a bit more. I do know that although I would sincerely love to regrow some hair, I cannot live with these effects on my body permanently. I appreciate the advice, but don't automatically assume I am eating junk food/a lazy bastard who is blaming his fattness on a drug.
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I also appreciate your advice, I am quite familiar with Arimidex, nolvadex, and other AI's. I am currently (for the next few days) taking rebound xt (over the counter ATD) to try and get my hormones back in check. I am thinking this is definitely hormonal at this point, but will update if it is in fact water that will fall off in a few days. From what I can tell, I have lost muscle mass, and gained 1-2% BF in a very short period of time. I would like to find a way to make propecia work for me, but do not want to be consistently trying to balance my hormones with propecia on one side/and AI or ATD on the other.
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I also wanted to say thank you for the site, I am new here, but it has helped me out a lot more than I could have done on my own. I am not trying to badmouth finasteride or the board, just trying to figure out a way I can minimize the sides and reap the rewards :)


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HairyHormone said:
And why would minoxidil cause gyno? It's not a 5ar inhibitor. minoxidil is dose dependent, and people are using it at concentrations up to 15%. If you are using 5% taking a "LITTLE" extra at night shouldn't be too big a problem. I have encountered cases of retention and it seems concentrated in the facial tissue with minoxidil systemic absorption. If you are getting symptoms of Gyno and abdominal bloat, it's hormone related and is more likely linked to propecia, NOT minoxidil.

I consider water retention due to minoxidil much more probable. Not all scalps are the same so your argument about higher concentrations does not have a real impact here. (He also seems to be applying it in a way that could result in minor scarring and overabsorption). 2 weeks on propecia is a bit too soon for this class of sides you are referring to.

Water retention could do that, though.
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Thanks for your help and advice SE, I am seeing a bit of an improvement today, it may be just a tremendously quick amount of water weight. I had been using the minoxidil for over a month though, with no sides like this until now, which is why I was thinking the propecia. I haven't used minoxidil for 3 days, and propecia since yesterday. Any other thoughts? Is it true that .50 doses are as effective as 1mg doses? I may try the minoxidil again tonight, but not use the applicator and stick to 1ml.


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Given that you are willing to continue treating your loss, I would suggest that you ruled out one drug at a time.