finasteride 1 week Sides


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So I've been on finasteride for roughly 1 week and experiencing testicular discomfort, not going to say pain as it doesnt really hurt just like a ticklish sensation.

So my question is how actually common is this? People taken this and the side has gone away? I had sexual intercourse last night and all was well but I know I'm playing with fire.

I'm taking Fincar 1.25mg daily, it's like....

45% of me say's just quit the drug
45% lower the dose to .5mg see how it goes
10% take it for1 month and see how it goes.

I realise on this site you have to types of people when it comes to finasteride people that it works wonders for no sides, lots of hair and then people that have unfortunately sufferd bad sides and long term damage.

I know this must be terribly frustrating to read post like this from people that have sufferd long term sides from this drug but its my hair :sobbing:

Anyway thanks for reading this and any replies :)


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Pretty much everyone gets that side for a few weeks. I didn't, but thats rare it seems. Wouldn't quit just because that particular side, I'd wait to see if anything worse happens.


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I started at 1mg and got some ball ache. Freaked me out a lot, so I lowered it to .5mg. Stayed there and it went away after a few weeks. 3 years later I upped the dosage to 1.25mg and the ball ache came back for a few weeks...and vanished again soon after.

It's pretty common.


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My Regimen
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i think i got ball ache the first couple days or weeks. i sometimes sit on my balls awkwardly (being serious) and they remain sore for a while. so it might not have been finasteride?


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I got ball ache within the first 2 weeks, only lasted for about 3 days on and off. Then went away and not had it since.


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You're saying that aching testicles are a common symptom - yet it was never reported during the Propecia trials... Aching testicles shouldn't be taken lightly. This happens when the estrogen level raises and suppresses your testosterone production. Reduced stimulation from LH and FSH causes the testicles to shrink, and this is what causes the pain.


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I experienced a few sexual side effects (watery semen, loss of libido) but not testicular pain or discomfort.


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I experienced this for about 3 days after a couple weeks of being on 1.25mg finasteride. It was more or less constant, but more painful at night for some reason. I wouldn't go as far to say this is something that's 'normal', but it seems to be very commonly reported by everyone who takes finasteride.

I wouldn't describe my discomfort as 'ticklish' though. Mine was a pretty strong ache throughout the area, radiating to my lower stomach when it was bad. It was quite uncomfortable at times.

I would say give it some more time, maybe another week. If you are still having problems, then consider alternative options. Your body goes through an initial adjustment period to account for the change in hormone levels, but things should level out. I've been on for a year now, and after the initial discomfort passed, I haven't had any problems since.