*finasteride - 8 MONTH+ UPDATE, encouraging*


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hey guys, time for an update

well, just realised something. i get my finasteride in the propecia blister packs - packs of 28. so, im not really "9" months down the line, just over 8 :) always nice to know youve got a bit more time!! ;)

anyway, background, 18, diffuse thinner, lost a fair bit on top. tiny bit of recession.

well as some of you know i went through a shed at 2 or 3 weeks, not too bad though, then regrowth at about month 3. then, shedding about month 5 1/2 - 7.

im glad to say that the top part of the head has thickened up quite a lot!! i didnt think it could happen. really, im on finasteride and nizoral alone, im 18, my hairloss struck SO quickly, i lost about 30% density in just 4 MONTHS or so. i really didnt think i had any hope. finasteride is saving the top of my head.

as for the crown, well it started shedding about month 5 1/2. was pretty worried, because i didnt have a problem here really when it started. if you can remember, only about 1 month ago i posted here really concerned about my crown. well im happy to say its filled in quite a lot!! not much of an issue any more.

i really cant stress how hard it is to notice results, even if theyre good like most of mine have been in the last month. hair growth happens so gradually, even if its just over the course of a month. loss on the other hand, well, we all know about that ;)

my only one real problem area at the moment is the hairline. not recession - finasteride has really held down my recession. i think ive receded a tiny bit since i started - maybe like 2mm? anyway, its held the hairline in shape. but i *think* the hairline may have thinned over the last 1 month. but, this is after it had thickened up, 2 months ago (for the first time during the course of my regimen), so im hoping its a shed/seasonal shedding, and will come back.

at the moment, i can say im really happy with how finasteride has worked for me so far. hope i dont jinx myself by saying this. anyway, for all you newbies, or people who are well into their regimens, dont lose hope. im only 18. my hairloss became properly noticeable at 17, and started a bit before then. i waited 4 months on some crappy snakeoil before starting finasteride. in these 4 months, i lost SO much hair. my hairloss was really aggressive, and at only 17. who says all people who start losing young or lose really aggressively are destined to be a chrome dome in no time? if you told me id have as much hair now as i do now, when i started treatments, id never have believed you.

anyway, not saying my hair now is a miracle. only a month ago i was getting really down about it. i think about 8 or 9 months of your regimen, maybe you get use to the ups and downs, emotionally. but just ride it out guys. stick with finasteride for a year and then if need be, add minoxidil, if need not be, savie it for later.

cant thank propecia and this site enough. not entirely satisfied with the hairline at the moment, but it has seen improvement a month or so ago. apart from that, im very happy - everything that lost at some point has thickened up a bit at this stage. hope this continues, and that this post is helpful to others. keep fighting the bastard that is hairloss!!!


Hey thanx for the post, from what i have read the 8 month mark seems to be a very good point on finasteride.

all the best to you and please come back and keep us updated!!


Senior Member
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Very encouraging once more, considering this is my current regimen. Coming up on 4 months here :) (but not QUITE 4 months, cuz again, proper 4x7 blister packs)


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good job !

congrats UK

curious, where are you getting your finasteride from ? Cipla? which site...always good to nail down which sites are credible, and which providers.


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I get my Propecia from the pharmacy in little bottles of 30 pills.

Anyway-- It's always nice to know I'm not the ONLY one whose hairloss started at or before 17.

Keep fighting the good fight! :)


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im actually on merck brand propecia. from the pharmacy. expensive, but i want to stay on it for maybe 1 1/2 years or so, then switch to proscar.

my improvement seemed to be quite hard to see, because i changed my hairstyle about a month ago, from just flat, to quiffed up and messed up. it exposes my hairline and general hairloss a bit more, but i forgot, i never could do this before because my hair was too thin to wear it in this style.

had my hair flat and dry after a shower, like i used to a few months ago. looked at it from above, and glad to say even in the strongest light, no scalp showing :) before, it would from the mid-temples backwards, the back vertex and the crown. so improvement was clear. i only noticed because itd been quite a long time since i looked at my hair in this way with it in that style. so i suggest taking pics for people who get disheartened easily, and need to monitor their improvement closely.

have only felt really happy about my situation once before in the regimen. felt like everything was going down only just a month ago. i always had at least one problem loss area, and my crown had been "shedding" for what seemed lke almost 3 months. now its like everything has kindof come into place in sync. except the hairline kindof, but that was in sync about a month ago, so maybe this is a shed, because i think ive seen it grow in better before.

anyway thats all, any questions, shoot.


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does ur hair loss look something like mine?



right now i m on fina 4 month and nizoral started just 5 mins back :)
and i was hoping for all that money spend something would come up good soon. btw i m 22 and started losing hair 1 year ago.


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crown loss is similarish. but in general, i have diffuse thinning all over the head. your hair is much thicker than mine. i lost quite a bit! say 50%. approx 30% in just 4 months before starting treatments. so you see, im very happy that finasteride *appears* to be working on hairloss that is so aggressive and im so young.


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well, as we know all too well, finasteride sure is an up and down rollercoaster. had a real short haircut today, told the barber not to take it short at all, just wanted a tiny trim, but there you go. annoying. hopefully getting a bit of msm to sort it

anyway, as far as the thinning goes, its now pretty apparent that the crown has thinned quite a bit more. i think the top of the head, at the middle, is definitely thicker though, which is always good. not sure about the hairline/front inch or 2, mightve thinned a bit or might be the same, hard to tell..

damn this crown though. well have to grow the hair out a little to cover it up again.