Finasteride acne - will it go away with time?


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Hey guys i've been lurking these boards for a while but thought it was about time i signed up :) I'm 22 and have diffuse thinning. i started finasteride less than a month ago at 0.5mg every 3 days. so far everything has been seemingly fine with the exception of my acne getting much worse. before starting finasteride it was almost completely cleared up and has been that way for a long time. now i expected this to happen since hormones are going wonky but my question is do you think it will go away after a while even if i keep taking finasteride? Anyone who experienced worsening acne on finasteride, did yours clear up after a while? i'm fine with riding it out but i don't really want to replace balding with acne o_O


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Hormonal changes, especially in relation to testosterone and estrogen may cause acne. It should clear up within a week or two.


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had the same problem, acne on my chest.

try to apply BPO 2,5% (Benzoylperoxid) twice a day on the hole area, start with a VERY thin film.

it took some time, but i suffered 5 month until i tried this. now i have no problems anymore, but i have to apply it daily

---sorry for my english---


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hey nitrogenius, i do actually use BP, moisturizers etc to keep it under control but this is finasteride making it worse from hormonal imbalances and whatnot. if it doesn't clear up by itself after a reasonable amount of time i'm just gonna quit finasteride =\ it's not like i'm that thrilled with the idea of taking it in the first place but i have to at least give it a chance :)


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yeah, my acne was caused also by finasteride. give it a try. i also reduced the dosage to 0.2mg finasteride. maybe that helped, too. try lower dosages before you give up


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oh and it lasted 5 months? :( that's not good news xD i'm already doing a lot of treatment for my acne which has been working for a long time now. i think the only thing i could do more is accutane which isn't much more pleasant than finasteride xD i'm already taking quite a low dose though, 0.5mg every third day. not even sure how much smaller i could cut that little pill :p


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no, i got problems after 2 or 3 month, i tried several things (dosages, pills) and nothing worked for 4 or 5 month. then i tried bpo and it worked. give it a try for at least 6 weeks. where do you have problems, face?


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ah ok that's a little different from mine. mine started getting worse 1 week after i started taking finasteride. it seems to be a little calmer lately i'll see how it goes over the next few weeks :)