Let me ask you something:
If tomorrow you wake up with a terrible headache, are you going to blame it on finasteride ? And what about if you get a weird muscle cramp, all of a sudden....is it going to be because of finasteride ?
So you see my point ? As far as I know you could start to relate all your strange phenomenons that you experience to this drug, when we all know you are just panicking.
Just try to think back at all the times you experienced a strange or new pain in your body that you never ever had before. It happens all the times, to everybody. How many times we hear people saying "gee, I feel this weird pain...." and then it just goes away and they forget about it.
The difference now is that you are overanalyzing any new feelings in your body 'cause you are already thinking in your mind that maybe finasteride is not for you (look at you, not even one week and you already mention dutasteride !!!!!!)
Be ready my friend, that neither finasteride or dutasteride will do any good to you after only 1 week. You have to wait many months before you can be objective and declare if it did anything to help or not.
Deal with it or just throw your pills in the trash and forget about it.
There's not other way around it.....
Good luck