Finasteride and Gym Performance (Meatheads Only)


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I stick to a regular workout routine and I have been for the last 4 years, way before I started loosing hair.

Over the last 4 months I've noticed lacking performance at the gym. My bench is at a plateau or I'm getting weaker. Have other finasteride users noticed this at all?



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It hasn't affected my routine or at least noticably. I recently started taking very small amounts of creatine 1 hour before my workout. I'm not sure about any damaging effects of creatine so hence the small amount.


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yello911 said:
It hasn't affected my routine or at least noticably. I recently started taking very small amounts of creatine 1 hour before my workout. I'm not sure about any damaging effects of creatine so hence the small amount.

yes i did creatine for a year, and although i definetly saw results from it, I will never do it again as i just didn't make my body feel right.


bombscience said:
I stick to a regular workout routine and I have been for the last 4 years, way before I started loosing hair.

Over the last 4 months I've noticed lacking performance at the gym. My bench is at a plateau or I'm getting weaker. Have other finasteride users noticed this at all?




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As a certified personal trainer and a certified animal I must say based on the information you gave me- its all in your head Bomb. Try a red Bull 45 minutes before you workout.


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Some have claimed better performance in the gym, others the opposite.

Redbone, how can you say in it's head when he's taking a drug that is altering his hormonal balance? Especially knowing the function of DHT! come on..

I've lost alot of lean muscle mass due to finasteride.


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I honestly have to say increased performance. In fact this year my weight training has nothing but improved. I've gained weight, strength, and lost a few % bf. Everyones different though, but that's just me.
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I've put on 8-10 pounds of muscle and feel pretty much the same, as far as workout intensity. I'm a little more cut now...but that's due to the change of my routine. I've been lifting 10 years....and I can't ever say that I've always felt really good or rested or making gains.

Plateaus are a normal problem no matter can beat your plateaus and I highly doubt it's because of the finasteride.

Work through it....and beat it.


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I say it could be in his head rich because I have never heard anyone mention this. I suppose it could happen though. Cant rule anything out.
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You plateu when your body gets used the same damn routine day in and day out. It builds a tolerance, if you will, and it no longer has any effect on your body. It's wise to change your routine every 3 monthes. Do a different chest exercise or switch to freeweights. Fina has had no effect on my capablities at the gym.

Dont' f*** with creatine. All you need is protiene shakes.


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redbone said:
I say it could be in his head rich because I have never heard anyone mention this. I suppose it could happen though. Cant rule anything out.

Redbone, look through archives of the various hairsites and alt.baldspot. It's well known fact that anything inhibiting the production of androgens (DHT in this case, which is quite crucial to muscle gains) will alter your metabolism and muscle mass. Inhibiting DHT will actually raise the T in alot of guys to a beneficial extent.. Others just drop in DHT, T stays the same and thus flab and muscle loss results.


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There are no known problems with creatine and one of you muscle wannabe's better not tell me I'm wrong. I don't recomend it because it makes me retaine water which makes me bloated and smooth, furthermore your body builds a tolerance to it so you have to keep taking more and more to get the same effect. Thirdly when you go off it you loose your gains. Some people talk sh*t and say it messes up the liver and what not but this simply is not proven in medical journals.

Get a good whey protien isolate disolved in skim milk twice a day.

Creatine is a great product for allot of bodybuilders, it definately will add strenght. I used German American brand which was really good mixed in grape juice. No side effects except bigger muscles.


redbone said:
There are no known problems with creatine and one of you muscle wannabe's better not tell me I'm wrong. I don't recomend it because it makes you retaine water which makes you look bloated, furthermore your body builds a tolerance to it so you have to keep taking more and more to get the same effect. Thirdly when you go off it you loose your gains. Some people talk sh*t and say it messes up the liver and what not but this simply is not proven in medical journals.

Stay with a good whey protien isolate disolved in skim milk twice a day. You dont need nothin else.

The meta analysis that I have seen on Creatine as all very positive. It works and its side effects are minimal. (drink lots of water!).

I use it 5gms a day. Good stuff.

BTW-the lastest data suggests it helps us improve brain function as we age.