Finasteride And Hair Loss - Need Help


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Hi everyone, need some help.

So I am 22 years old. After a year on testosterone replacement therapy due to faulty body signalling, I noticed for the first time some hairline recession. Nothing too serious, but noticeable enough to bother me and cause me psychological stress. Prior to the replacement therapy, I had a full head of thick, bushy hair. Aside from the hairline recession my hair has remained the same. I have since agreed with the doctor to dial back on the testosterone dosage by 15% and have been using Finasteride, Minoxidil and Nizoral shampoo for the last 2-3 months. The hair loss is continually slowing down. Ideally I would like to have a small hairline transplant to recover a bit of what I have lost - I am not looking at recovering all of it as I know this would look unnatural later on. Being my age, my concern is obviously about the hair loss progressing. Thus I have decided to wait and stay on the Finasteride for at least another year to see how things go. Hence I have two follow up questions:

My Questions:

1. If over the next year on Finasteride + Minoxidil I experience no further hair loss, or better yet partial reversal, Can I then potentially consider a hairline transplant without worrying about chasing my hairline?

2. Stemming from this, if I have success with the Finasteride and it halts all hair loss, will the Finasteride continue to remain effective over the coming years or does it become less effective? (I haven't managed to find any studies that suggest that it loses effectiveness over time)

PS -
I know that I am very young to be considering a transplant. Please do not get the wrong impression, this is not a decision I am taking lightly, and I am weighing up the risks. i will only go forward with it if I can be assured that the Finasteride will remain effective and therefore I do not have to worry about further recession. Please focus on my questions and not on my age.

Thanks guys